
  • 网络Stingray;sting rays
  1. 澳大利亚著名的自然主义者史蒂夫·欧文日前不幸去世,他是被一条刺鳐刺穿胸部而意外身亡的。

    The renowned Australian naturalist Steve Irwin has died after being struck in the chest by a stingray barb .

  2. 另外还有螃蟹、刺鳐,海鳗,斑鳟和红鳟鱼。

    Species include crabs , sting rays , eels , speckled trout and red fish .

  3. 没错,他们就是刺鳐帮。

    That 's right : They were gangsters .

  4. 突然,三个男孩,跟我同年,骑着刺鳐牌自行车,在一阵刹车皮的尖叫声中冲到我面前停下来了。

    Suddenly , three boys my age rode up on Sting-Ray bicycles , skidding to a stop in front of me with a triple shriek of rubber .

  5. (体型)最大的刺鳐之一;见于(美国)科德角到海特拉斯角。从广告中我得知你们这里有各种中国扇子出售

    One of the largest stingrays ; found from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras . I know from the ad that you have a large collection of Chinese fans

  6. 当然,毫不夸张地说,观赏蓝纹笛鲷、刺鳐、鹦鹉鱼、海鳗等海底娱乐项目也是免费赠送。

    Of course the aquatic entertainment-provided by the likes of blue-striped snapper , sting rays , parrot fish and moray eels-is also ( quite literally ) on the house .