
  • 网络Stimulus quantity;volume of stimuli
  1. 应用Fiducial方法推断Logistic模型下的响应刺激量

    Fiducial Method for Inference about Response Probabilities under the Logistic Response Model

  2. 盐酸刺激量对家蚕卵酯酶A4活性的影响及其与蚕卵活化的关系

    Effect of Acid Stimulus Dose on Esterase A4 Activity and Its Relationship With Activation of Acid Treated Eggs of Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  3. 两组之间的比较基线因素有统计学意义的是家庭所在地,EPQ中的神经质和精神质因子,TCSQ中的消极应对因子,LES中的坏事刺激量以计SCL-90各因子;

    Between the PTSD and non PTSD , family address and nervous , psychosis of EPQ and negative coping of TCSQ and bad things affection of LES and all factors of SCL-90 have the significant difference .

  4. 结论CFS病人疲劳、抑郁、焦虑的严重程度与发病前的生活事件刺激量有密切的关系,病人的情绪改变受疲劳程度的影响。

    Conclusion The degree of fatigue , depression and anxiety of CFS patients had close relationship with the stimulation quantities of life events , in addition , the degree of fatigue had influence on the changes of such emotions as anxiety and depression .

  5. IBS患者病前1年内经历负性生活事件的频度及刺激量以及生活事件总刺激量明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    The frequency of meeting negative life events , the quantity of stimulus of meeting negative life events and the total quantity of stimulus of meeting life events of IBS patients within one year until episode were significantly higher than those of control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 针刺疗程长短与刺激量对针灸效应的影响

    Affect of Treatment Course & Stimulation Dose to Acupuncture Effect

  7. 刺激量具有不依赖刺激属性的屋顶效应及地板效应;

    The numbers of stimulus had ceiling and floor effects independent of attributes ;

  8. 针刺手法刺激量定量化研究进展

    Advances in Studies on Quantification of Acupuncture Manipulation Stimuli

  9. 大小刺激量捻转补泻法对血虚证大鼠红细胞计数的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture Stimulation Quantum on Red Blood Cell Count in Rats with Blood-deficiency Syndrome

  10. 近年来推拿手法刺激量参数研究概况

    Study Overview to the Standardization of Parameters of TuiNa Manipulation Stimulus Quantity in Recent Year

  11. 间生态学说与针刺有效刺激量、补泻、时间及疗程

    Parabiosis theory and effective stimulating amount , reinforcing-reducing , therapeutic time and course of acupuncture

  12. 提示,艾灸的不同方法、刺激量的强弱在灸法中起决定作用。

    It is suggested that methods and stimulation intensity play a vital role in moxibustion therapy .

  13. 不同刺激量脑活素穴位注射对小鼠衰老模型空间分辨学习能力的影响

    Effect of Point Injection of Brain Hormone on Spatial Distinction Learning Ability of Mice Aging Model

  14. 头穴治疗偏瘫的不同疗程、刺激量与疗效的关系

    Relationship among Treatment course , Stimulation Amount and Therapeutic Effect in Treating Hemiplegia with Scalp Acupuncture

  15. 结论自行研制的口腔黏膜压力测痛仪能够较精确地对引起疼痛的刺激量进行评估。

    Conclusion This pressure algometer can be used in measuring the PPT of the oral mucosa .

  16. 结论:不同刺激量可以引起患肢血管舒缩机能截然不同的规律性反应。

    Conclusion Different stimulating amount of acupuncture can induce different responses of vasomotorial functions of the affected limbs .

  17. 针刺时机、针法、刺激量对针刺治疗面神经炎疗效的影响

    Influence of acupuncture occasion , acupuncture manipulation and stimulation volume on the curative effects of acupuncture for facial neuritis

  18. 结果常规刺激量组(刺激30次)和超常规量组(刺激500次)在刺激过程中大鼠均未出现异常活动,无肢体强直、阵挛等。

    Results Neither group of rats received 30 times or 500 times had abnormal activities especially no clonus and rigidity .

  19. 盐酸刺激量能够影响蚕卵的活化(或滞育发育期)和发育速度。

    The activation of eggs or period of diapause development and developmental speed of embryos is effected by the ASD in eggs .

  20. 本文拟就针刺手法刺激量定量化的研究从理论、实验及临床三方面做一综述。

    This article surveys the studies on quantification of acupuncture manipulation stimuli from the three aspects of theory , experiment and clinical practice .

  21. 设置多种形式的英语课,多角度加大语言的刺激量,拓宽信息来源,充分发挥学生内部的语言机制的潜能;

    Varying English lessons is to increase the language stimulus , widen information sources and tap the students ' internal latent language abilities .

  22. 神经症组、问题组、正常组和健康组之间的生活事件刺激量有显著性差异;

    There are remarkable differences about the life events stimulating quantity among the neurosis group , questionable group , common group and health group .

  23. 神经症与负性事件的相关为0.23;但神经症各分型之间的的生活事件刺激量无显著性差异。

    The relation between neurosis and negative events is 0.23 , but there isn 't remarkable difference in life events stimulating quantity of kinds neurosis .

  24. 结论负性生活事件刺激量是危害综合健康的主要因素,与健康的损害程度成剂量效应关系;

    Conclusion Negative life-events were the major risk factors to overall health , and there was a dose-effect relationship between negative events and health damages .

  25. 易地参赛环境对运动员竞技状态的影响与易地参赛环境引起运动员应激反应有关,其所引起应激反应的程度受易地参赛环境对运动员的刺激量以及运动员对易地参赛环境认知合理性的影响。

    The extent of the stress is influenced by the stimuli of the environment to the athletes and by the cognitive rationality of the environment .

  26. 焦虑积分与负性事件数、负性刺激量、消极应对分均呈显著正相关。

    Anxious scores of GYSKZ patients existed a significant positive correlation with negative life event frequence and stimulus intensity as well as scores of negative coping .

  27. 结果发现,酶活性受刺激量的影响很大.而酶蛋白含量几乎不受刺激量的影响。

    The results show that the stimulation intensity of ethylene gas affects the activity of chitinase greatly , but show no obvious effect on the content of chitinase .

  28. 经济收入水平高的组其正性事件刺激量较大,而经济收入水平低的患者其负性事件刺激量较大。

    The quantity of stimulus of positive events of more income groups was higher , while the quantity of stimulus of negative events of less income groups was higher .

  29. 针刺手法刺激量定量化的研究已经越来越受到研究者的重视,并且在这方面的研究已经取得了令人瞩目的进展。

    The study on the stimulating amount of acupuncture manipulation has been increasingly valued by the research workers and attractive advances has been made in this field of study .

  30. 结论:延长头针留针时间以达到足够刺激量是针刺治疗脑瘫取得较好疗效的重要因素。

    Conclusion Prolonging the retaining needle time for sufficient stimulation amount is an important factor for achieving a better therapeutic effect in scalp acupuncture treatment of infant cerebral palsy .