
cì shǐ
  • feudal provincial or prefectural governor
刺史 [cì shǐ]
  • [feudal provincial or prefectural governor] 古代官名,自汉设立本为监察郡县的官员,宋元以后沿用为一州长官的别称

刺史[cì shǐ]
  1. 特擢升蒋亦儒为肃州刺史。

    He is promoted to governor of suzhou .

  2. 他被封为刺史,要立即走马上任。

    He was appointed the provincial governor and ordered to take up office immediately .

  3. 加强监察制度,每州设刺史一人。

    The inspection system was strengthened , and prefectural governor was appointed to each prefecture .

  4. 唐代著名诗人白居易,担任过杭州刺史。

    Bai Juyi , the Tang poet mentioned earlier , was once governor of Hangzhou .

  5. 荆州刺史刘表看后禁不住连声称赞。刘备见刘表如此喜欢,将此马送给了刘表。

    When Liu Biao marveled at the steed , Liu Bei gave it to him as a gift .

  6. 白居易先后担任过忠州刺史(818)、杭州刺史(822)和苏州刺史。

    He assumed the important posts of governor of Zhongzhou ( 818 ) , Hangzhou ( 822 ) , and later , Suzhou .

  7. 加强对地方的控制,将全国分为13个州部。每个州部设刺史一人,以监察地方。

    He divided the whole country into 13 regions , and appointed an itinerant inspector to each of these divisions to keep a watchful eye on the local affairs .

  8. 梁朝的建立者萧衍,擅长文学,499年被任命为雍州刺史,他乘齐国内乱,发兵夺取了皇位,建立了梁朝。

    Xiao Yan , the founder of Liang , was a master of poems and was appointed the Garrison Commander of Yongzhou in 499 . Taking advantages of confusion in Southern Qi , he secured the throne and established Liang .

  9. 刺史于每年8月巡行所属郡国,检阅刑狱情况,考察官吏政绩,年终奏于皇帝。

    He should go on an inspection tour around his administrative region in August every year , reviewing the lawsuits , inspecting the official achievements , and presenting a memorial of his inspection to the emperor at the end of the year .

  10. 统帅二十万西凉大军的刺史董卓,乘朝野之乱进军洛阳,废少帝刘辩,立刘协为献帝,自封为相国。

    While the Han court was in chaos Dong Zhuo marched his 200000 battlewise Xiliang troops into the capital of L ü oyang . He forces Liu Bian to quit the throne and made Liu Xie the Emperor Xian and himself the prime minister .

  11. 在此期间,刺史萧道成趁政治混乱之机而形成了较强的势力。公元479年,萧道成灭宋,建立齐。至此,刘宋宣告灭亡。

    Xiao Daocheng , Commander of Liu , aslo the Imperial Guards , gained his own weight in this confusion , usurped the power of Liu Song and changed its name to Qi in 479 , which brought an end to the end of the Liu Song .