
  • 网络TTF-TRY;tropical fishes;tropic fishes
  1. 下巴上有触须的体色鲜艳的热带鱼。某些热带鱼类靠产卵进行繁殖。

    Brightly colored tropical fishes with chin barbels . Some tropical fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs .

  2. 你会看见巨大的海龟伴随一群群热带鱼类悠游着。

    You 'll see large sea turtles swimming alongside schools of tropical fish .

  3. 鱼类,兽类与鸟类某些热带鱼类靠产卵进行繁殖。

    Some tropical fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs .

  4. 罗非鱼是原产于非洲的热带鱼类,现已成为世界性的主要养殖鱼类。

    Tilapia is tropical fish from Africa . It has been the popular farming variety in the world .

  5. 刚刚产过卵的雄鲑鱼。有些热带鱼类产卵繁殖。

    Male salmon that has recently spawned . Some tropical fish reproduce themselves [ their kind by laying eggs ] .

  6. 大堡礁位于澳大利亚北部的昆士蓝海岸旁,绵延3000公里,珊瑚种类多达400种,还有1500多种热带鱼类。

    The world 's largest reef system that stretches for 3000 kilometers off the Queensland coast has 400 different types of coral and 1500 species of tropical fish .

  7. 澳大利亚环保人士近日发出警告,皮克斯工作室最新电影《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》的上映可能会给大堡礁和其他地方的野生热带鱼类带来压力。

    Australian conservationists have warned that the release of new Pixar film Finding Dory could increase pressure on wild populations of exotic fish on the Great Barrier Reef and elsewhere .