
  • 网络thermohaline circulation;THC
  1. 热盐环流受到多种因素的影响和制约,包括地形的改变、风应力、海表面热力、淡水通量强迫、海冰等。

    THC can be affected by many factors , such as topography , wind , surface forcing of heat and freshwater , and sea ice .

  2. 北大西洋热盐环流强度变化对拉布拉多海对流活动的响应,要滞后3a左右。

    Response of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation to the Labrador Sea convection lags 3 years in the model .

  3. 在只有加热引起的热盐环流过程中,当模式作了Boussinesq假设以后,计算的经向和纬向垂直环流都会产生虚假的加强,虽然这种误差只是在1%左右;

    Under the thermohaline circulation condition by heating , the computed latitudinally and longitudinally vertical circulations are falsely strengthened due to Boussinesq approximation although this error is only about 1 % ;

  4. 渤海夏季潮致-风生-热盐环流的数值诊断计算

    Numerical diagnostic simulation of summertime tide-induced , wind-driven and thermohaline currents in the Bohai Sea

  5. 大西洋热盐环流与气候突变

    Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation and Abrupt Climate Changes

  6. 大洋热盐环流研究的一个焦点:北太平洋是否有深水形成

    One Question of the Oceanic Thermohaline Circulation : Whether Deepwater Formation in the North Pacific

  7. 全球海气耦合模式中热盐环流对大气强迫的响应

    Adjustment of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation to the atmospheric forcing in a global air-sea coupled model

  8. 海洋密度分布不均一产生的热盐环流,海面风应力驱动的风生环流,天体引潮力所产生的潮致余流等等,是海洋环境发生变化的基本动力或原因。

    The basic power or reason , such as thermohaline circulation , wind-driven current or tidal residual circulation , can make ocean environment changing .

  9. 这一结果表明南海是全球大传送带这一全球海洋最主要热盐环流系统的重要通道之一。

    The results indicate that the South China Sea is an important passage of the Great Ocean Conveyor , the most important global thermohaline circulation belt .

  10. 未来是否会发生由大西洋热盐环流崩溃引起的气候突变是目前极富争议性的全球气候变化问题。

    It is a highly controversial issue that there will be an abrupt and large climate change induced by the reorganization of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation in a warming climate .