
shēnɡ wù zhōnɡ
  • biological clock;biologic clock;living clock;biochronometer
生物钟 [shēng wù zhōng]
  • [biological clock] 生物生命活动的周期性节律。这种节律经过长时期的适应,与自然界的节律(如昼夜变化、四季变化)相一致。植物在每年的一定季节开花,候鸟在每年的一定季节迁徙,就是生物钟的表现

  1. 到35岁时,凯特的生物钟开始滴答作响。

    At 35 , Kate 's biological clock was ticking .

  2. 对于女性来说,“生物钟”控制着怀孕的时间。

    For women , the ' biological clock ' governs the time for having children .

  3. 忽视疲劳感会打乱我们的生物钟。

    Ignoring feelings of tiredness knocks our body clocks out of kilter

  4. 即使是在办公室这样的非自然环境中,我们的人体生物钟依然影响着我们。

    Even in the artificial environment of an office , our body rhythms continue to affect us

  5. 由于人体生物钟不能迅速对时差作出调整,因而产生了飞机时差反应。

    Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change .

  6. 人体生物钟会让我们在下午1点到3点之间感觉没精打采、昏昏欲睡。

    The body 's natural rhythms mean we all feel dull and sleepy between 1 and 3pm .

  7. 对变化反应迟钝表明你的生物钟很混乱。

    Slow to respond to the change , your body clock is confused .

  8. 事实上,早晨容易醒来的关键在于调整生物钟。

    In fact , the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resting your body clock .

  9. 类似于光线,黑暗对我们的生理健康、生物钟具有关键作用。

    Darkness is as essential to our biological welfare , to our internal clockwork , as light itself .

  10. 例如,你一上飞机,就开始根据目的地的时间调整你的生物钟。

    For example , the moment you get on the airplane , start adjusting your biological block to the destination 's time .

  11. 格拉斯哥大学的大卫·多米诺尼说过,路灯、外卖招牌和住所的光线正在影响鸟类的生物钟,导致它们在睡觉的时候非常清醒。

    David Dominoni , of Glasgow University , said that light from street lamps , takeaway signs and homes is affecting the birds ' biological clocks , leading to them being wide awake when they should be asleep .

  12. 可惜,生物钟并不总会按照学校的时间表运作。

    Unluckily , these body clocks do not always work according to school timetables .

  13. 医学证据也支持这样的观点:每个人都有一个生物钟,帮助决定他或她的睡眠模式。

    Medical evidence also supports the idea that each person has a body clock that helps to decide his or her sleep pattern .

  14. 据最新调查,如今十分之一的婚姻因为“生物钟离婚”现象而终结。

    According to new research , one in ten marriages now end in ' biological clock divorce ' .

  15. 由于没有日照,团队必须根据各自的生物钟决定何时睡觉、吃饭或干活。

    Since there was no sunlight , the team had to follow their biological clocks to know when to sleep , eat , or do daily tasks .

  16. 但睡回笼觉也有可能伤害到你的身体,因为它会扰乱你的生物钟,造成记忆力差、反应迟钝。

    However , unprotected sleep can be harmful to one ’ s health as it may disturb your biological clock , resulting in your short memory and blunt2 responsiveness .

  17. 平均来看,他们的生物钟提前了两个小时,总体睡眠时间和以往相同,但困倦、压力和抑郁的程度有所降低。

    On average people shifted their body clocks two hours earlier , were getting the same total shut eye but were reporting lower levels of sleepiness , stress and depression .

  18. 因为孩子们有自己的节奏和生物钟,他们不管父母们计划的家庭时间你计划10分钟让他们对你打开心怀。

    And because children have their own tempo48 and internal clock , they don 't do quality time , where you schedule 10 minutes for them to open up to you .

  19. “生物钟离婚”的真相复杂得多,除了反映出女性的职场抱负,也越发反应出现代男性不愿意承担生养子女责任的状况。

    The truth about ' biological clock ' divorces is far more complex and is increasingly as much a reflection of modern men 's reluctance2 to take on the responsibility of having a family as it is about a woman 's professional ambition .

  20. 生物钟基因period的分子生物学

    The molecular biology of the biological clock gene , period

  21. 去年5月刊登在《细胞代谢》(CellMetabolism)杂志上的一篇研究论文指出,生物钟的紊乱与体重增加有关系。

    A study in Cell Metabolism last May linked disruptions of the body clock to weight gain .

  22. 与生物钟有关的基因研究赢得了今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖(NobelPrizeforphysiologyormedicine)。

    The genetics associated with body clocks earned this year 's Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine .

  23. [目的]分析光照对中枢和外周组织生物钟Clock基因mRNA表达的影响。

    Objective To analyze the effects of light on circadian expression of Clock mRNA in central and peripheral tissues .

  24. 而且,并非只有女人才这样。本专栏和《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)都报导过,男人也有类似的生物钟。

    It 's not just an issue for women ; as the Juggle and the the New York Times have reported , dads have biological clocks , too .

  25. 生物钟基因可以通过调节下游的钟控基因(clockcontrolledgenes,ccgs)调节多项生理功能。

    By regulating the clock controlled genes ( CCGs ), clock genes regulate many physical functions .

  26. 在哺乳动物中,Clock基因是最早被发现和鉴定的生物钟基因。

    Clock Gene is the biological gene firstly detected and identified in mammals , which encodes a novel member of the bHLH-PAS family of transcription factors .

  27. 3H生物钟超日节律对图形命名测验一侧化效应的影响

    Effect of Biological Ultradian Circa 3 Hour Rhythms on Cerebral Functional Laterality in Test of Naming Pictures

  28. 具生物钟表达特性的Rubisco活化酶和锰稳定蛋白的结构功能研究

    Studies on Structural and Functional Characterization of Two Circadian Gene Rubisco Activase and Manganese Stabilizing Protein

  29. 家蚕滞育生物钟蛋白质EA4基因的cDNA克隆和序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of cDNA of Diapause Biological Clock Protein Esterase A4 of Bombyx mori

  30. 视交叉上核(SCN)是哺乳动物的内源性生物钟,其表面存在高亲合力(MT)受体。

    The endocrine clock of mammals is known to be the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei ( SCN ) which exist the high - affinityMelatonin ( MT ) receptor .