
shēnɡ lǐ jī zhì
  • physiological mechanism
  1. 选用7个杂交水稻组合及其亲本,研究其根系N素营养效率及其生理机制。

    The efficiency of N nutrition and the physiological mechanism in roots were studied in 7 hybrid rice combinations and their parents .

  2. 但慢性染铅对骨髓NOS活力、NO含量影响的生理机制有待进一步研究。

    Its physiological mechanism needs further investigation .

  3. 低温与GA3诱导菠萝黑心病的生理机制

    Mechanism of Blackheart Development Induced by Low Temperature and Gibberellic Acid in Pineapple Fruit

  4. 在此研究基础上,分别探讨了含比久(B9)的预处液及含GA3的预处液延缓百合切花衰老的生理机制。

    Further , it is observed that the effects of pretreatment respectively containing with B9 and GA3 on senescence of cut Lily flowers .

  5. TS制剂对番茄花叶病毒病的防治效果及其生理机制的研究

    The study on effects of virucide & ts in preventing tomato mosaic virus disease

  6. Bt棉移栽方式下生育特征及其生理机制研究

    Studies on the Development Characteristics and Physiological Causes of Bacillus thuringiensis Transgenic Cotton in Transplanting Pattern

  7. ERP指标的应用极大地促进了对视觉工作记忆、言语工作记忆和中央执行系统心理和生理机制的研究。

    The application of ERP has promoted the studies such as visual working memory , verbal working memory and the central executive system .

  8. 斑块破裂伴随血小板及血液凝固级联反应的激活是ACS的主要病理生理机制。

    Plaques rupture with platelets and blood coagulation cascade activation is ACS pathological physiological mechanism .

  9. 栽培大豆(GlycineMax)与野生大豆(GlyCineSoja)杂交后代耐盐生理机制与籽粒品质的研究

    Salt-Tolerant Mechanism and Seed Quality of Offspring Gained by Crossing Glycine max with Glycine soja

  10. 1987年C.柑桔隔年结果的生理机制研究进展

    Review on physiological mechanism of alternate bearing in Citrus Investigation on That " Orange Peel Should Use in the Next Year "

  11. 静态运动负荷诱发肌肉疲劳过程中SEMG信号变化的生理机制

    Physiological Mechanisms of SEMG Signal Responses to Muscle Fatigue During Isometric Contractions

  12. SUI病理生理机制目前仍不清楚,国内对于此方面的研究尚属空白。

    The pathophysiology is not clear now . The study on this area is blank in China .

  13. 1-MCP调节跃变型果实采后衰老与组织褐变的分子生理机制

    The Molecular Physiological Mechanism of 1-MCP Regulation on Climacteric Fruit Postharvest Senescence and Flesh Tissue Browning

  14. 从胃粘膜分离壁细胞,有益于深入探讨壁细胞的功能,阐明与HCl分泌相关的生理机制。

    It 's very useful to study the function of parietal cells and to reveal the physiological mechanism of HCI secretion through isolation of parietal cells .

  15. 例秘型IBS患者TNF-α、IL-8与正常无显著差异,提示便秘型IBS和腹泻型IBS的免疫紊乱有着不同的病理生理机制。

    There are no difference between TNF-a , IL-8 in constipation predominant IBS and normal controls . That will lead to deregulation of cellular immune function .

  16. 在近几十年的努力中,对于CNV的病理生理机制和防治策略的研究已经取得了不少成绩。

    In the recent decades , the studies on pathophysiologic mechanisms and therapeutic strategy of CNV have been made a lot of achievements .

  17. 目的观察超敏C反应蛋白(SSCRP)与急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)的关系,进一步探讨ACS的病理生理机制。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between supersensitized C-reactive protein ( SSCRP ) and acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) for the pathophysiological mechanism of ACS .

  18. 汉语RD儿童在完成上述2项加工作业时的脑局部血流量的代谢机制和脑功能机制与正常儿童存在明显差异,提示汉语RD儿童神经生理机制的异常可能是其发病的大脑物质基础。

    There are significant differences in rCBV metabolic mechanism and cerebral functional mechanism between RD children and normal children . Maybe nerve irregularity is the substance base for reading disorder .

  19. 结论IL-6具有免疫增强作用,实验组血浆与脑脊液IL-6水平异常增高,提示精神分裂症患者存在免疫功能紊乱,可能是其精神活动障碍的病理生理机制之一。

    Conclusion The IL-6 has function of developing immunity , the abnormal increase of IL-6 levels suggests that schizophrenics have immunologic dysfunction which may be one of pathophysiologic mechanisms of disorders of mental activity .

  20. 金指出,PM10也会导致神经炎症,从而通过直接的生理机制影响精神健康。

    Kim suggests that PM10s may also cause nerve inflammation , affecting mental health through a direct biological mechanism .

  21. IUGR的原因很多,但其最主要的病理生理机制是母体-胎儿循环血液灌注不足,造成胎儿的缺血缺氧以及相应的营养障碍。

    The IUGR condition is most commonly caused by inadequate maternal - fetal circulation , with a resultant decrease in fetal blood , oxygen and nutrition supply .

  22. WT较高的基础水平和快速的诱导合成,可能是训练促进运动恢复的生理机制之一。

    It is suggested that the higher basal level and quicker induction and synthesis of MT could be one of the physiological mechanisms by which the exercise training improves the tissue recovery after intensive exercise .

  23. 近年来研究发现,CGRP具有明显的抗心律失常作用,但国内外文献报道较少,且其抗心律失常作用的电生理机制和离子机制尚不清楚。

    In recent studies , CGRP showed its notable protective effects on arrhythmias . But there is still few reports on the effect . Especially the electrophysiological and ionic machenisms of this effect are unclear .

  24. 基于以上的原因,对ICH病理生理机制的研究及有效治疗药物的寻找具有十分重要的社会意义与医学价值。

    Consequently , ICH has caused great harms to the public health , and it is of medical and societal importance to study the pathophysiology of ICH and seek effective remedies for ICH .

  25. 有研究表明,CGRP具有强烈的收缩呼吸道平滑肌、促进血浆渗出和粘液分泌的作用,这提示CGRP可能参与哮喘发病的病理生理机制。

    It has been demonstrated that CGRP has the function of constriction of bronchial smooth muscle , erudition of serum , secretion of mucus , which indicate that CGRP might be involved in the pathogenesis of asthma .

  26. 目的:连续观察男性性腺功能低减病人尿卵泡刺激素β亚单位(βFSH)的排泄,探讨其对男性性腺功能低减的临床分类诊断和病理生理机制研究的意义。

    Objectives : To measure continuously the urine β FSH excretion in the patients with male hypogonadism , and to evaluate the significance of urine β FSH when used in the clinical practice and pathophysiological study on male hypogonadism .

  27. 研究房颤终止前心房各部位房颤周长(AFCL)的变化特点,探讨房颤转复为窦性心律的电生理机制。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the electrophysiological mechanism of conversion from atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm by analyzing AFCL alteration during conversion .

  28. 目的观察现代ECT治疗对精神分裂症患者下丘脑促肾上腺皮质释放激素(CRH)和促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)的影响,并推测其可能的生理机制。

    Objective To observe the effect of modern electric convulsive therapy ( ECT ) on hypothalamic corticotropin and thyrotropin releasing hormones ( CRH , TRH ) in patients with schizophrenia and to infer the potential mechanism of the effect .

  29. 目的:对比迟发性运动障碍(TD)、非TD(TD-)精神分裂症患者、正常对照血清泌乳素(PRL)水平,探索TD可能的病理生理机制。

    Objective : To investigate pathophysiological mechanism of tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) by comparing the level of serum prolactin ( PRL ) of schizophrenic patients with TD to that of patients without TD ( TD - ) and normal volunteers .

  30. 针对以上研究情况,参考前人的研究理论及结果,本文还对芒果采后贮藏的衰老过程的可能生理机制及1-MCP可能作用位置的路线进行探讨。

    Aim at the above research results , consulting the past research theories and results , we put forwards the possible physiology mechanism of the senescence process and the possible function position of 1-MCP acting on the post-harvest mango .