
  • 网络Shiga;shiga prefecture;Shiga Pref;Shiga-ken
  1. 此后我们随妈妈搬回外婆家住的滋贺县。

    Then we with the mother moved back to live with my grandmother in Shiga prefecture .

  2. 代表团团长、滋贺县经济产业协会副会长大西军二先生表示,将努力推进两地企业交流合作。

    The delegation head and vice president of EIA of Shiga County promised to vigorously promote the cooperation between Sino-Japan enterprises .

  3. 德永久志说,推进滋贺县和湖南省的友好交流与合作责无旁贷。

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan stated that he is duty-bound to stimulate the friendly exchange and cooperation between Shiga in Japan and Hunan Province .