
  • 网络slice;sheet;Schist
  1. 兴海地区中高压混杂岩片的发现及其构造意义

    Discovery of high-pressure melange slice in Xinhai area and its tectonic significance

  2. 构造岩片填图法在川西造山带1:5万区调中的初步实践

    Preliminary application of the tectonic slice mapping method in 1:50000 regional surveys in the Western Sichuan orogenic belt

  3. 前锋纳木错构造带总体呈WNW向展布,由20多条向北倾斜的逆掩断层、宽阔的韧性剪切带、4条蛇绿岩片带与大量不同类型的构造岩片所组成。

    The Nam Co tectonic belt of WNW-trending occurring in west of the Namco Lake is composed of 20 thrust faults of north dipping , wide ductile shear zone , 4 belts of ophiolite pieces and many thrusted rock pieces .

  4. 构造地层学及构造岩片填图法在大陆造山带的应用

    The application of tecto-stratigraphy and tectonite sheet mapping to continental orogenic belts

  5. 岩片受前布拉瓦约侵蚀面切割。

    The slices are truncated by the pre-bulawayan erosion surface .

  6. 东准噶尔造山带结构及岩片组合特征

    Structure of East Junggar Orogenic Belt and the combination characteristics of rock sheets

  7. 本区构造形态以推覆岩片大量叠置、平卧与尖棱倒转褶皱复合为特征,属板块聚合带成分。

    The composition is of plate convergence belt .

  8. 造山带及变质岩区构造岩片多重分解综合复原法

    The mapping method of flaky tectonic rocks in the orogenic belt and metamorphic region

  9. 北半球副热带无风带华北板块北缘活动带元古宙构造岩片

    Calm zone of cancer Proterozoic tectonic slices along the northern margin of North China plate

  10. 第三期为弱糜棱岩化作用,最后一期是岩片产生由北向南的逆冲作用。

    The third deformation is weak mylonitization and the last deformation is thrusting from north to south .

  11. 碧口群不同岩片火山岩微量元素组成差异与古构造意义

    Diversity of Trace Element Compositions of Volcanic in Different Slabs of Bikou Group : Implications for Tectonics

  12. 在水生垢或叶片岩片上清除表面。

    A dead leaf fell on Soapy 's foot . remove the surface , in scales or laminae .

  13. 大别造山带北缘古生代构造-地层岩片沉积物源区及构造演化的地球化学研究

    Geochemical Records of Sedimentary Source and Tectonic Evolution of Paleozoic Strata along the Northern Margin in the Dabie Orogen , Central China

  14. 大陆韧性走滑在粤西的表现&粤西云开地区深成侵入岩片麻理成因新探

    Showing of continental ductile strike slipping : an attempt on genesis of gneissosity of plutonic rocks in Yunkai area , western Guangdong

  15. 华北板块北缘活动带元古宙构造岩片深部纬向构造带与北东向构造呈反接复合关系。

    PROTEROZOIC TECTONIC SLICES ALONG THE NORTHERN MARGIN OF NORTH CHINA PLATE The deep latitudinal structural belt shows the transposition relation to the NE trend structures .

  16. 它们呈一系列自北而南逆冲推覆的构造岩片,经历了明显不同于弧花岗岩基的形成过程。

    These rocks occur as a number of south-vergent thrust nappes and a process of formation which is notably different from that of the arc granite batholith .

  17. 抽拉&逆冲岩片构造是杨志华等在研究秦岭造山带过程中提出的一种关于大陆造山带形成与演化的全新构造观。

    The draw thrust sheet tectonics is a new viewpoint put forward by Yang Zhihua during his study on development and evolution of the Qinling orogenic belt .

  18. 西成矿田中所有矿床的产出特征、规模和部位完全受抽拉&逆冲岩片构造的控制。

    The occurrence characteristics , size and position of all the deposits in the Xicheng orefield are completely controlled by the Choula ( draw ) - thrust sheet .

  19. 锦屏山地区推覆构造带滑移面均为韧性剪切带,而且整个推覆构造带由多个岩片推覆堆叠在一起,在其前缘则出现飞来峰群。

    The nappe structures in this area are generally overthrusted and stacked by a number of slices and sheets , with thrust outliers in the front of the nappe structures .

  20. 我们结合抽拉逆冲岩片构造思想,提出了抽拉逆冲岩片构造控矿模式,建立了不同岩片系统与相应的不同类型矿床相互对应的关系。

    Authors proposed an ore controlling model by draw thrust sheet tectonics , and determined the mutual corresponding relations between the different sheet system and the corresponding ore deposits of different types .

  21. 他们大多生活在迷宫一般的小村庄里,狭窄的石头小路纵横交织,两旁是一栋栋有数百年历史的平房,瓦片做顶,不规则的火山岩片为墙。

    Most lived in hamlets laid out in maze-like fashion , with narrow stone paths weaving between single-storey , centuries-old homes , with walls of irregularly shaped pieces of lava rock and tiled roofs .

  22. 鄂西北南化塘一带已确定出滑脱构造由三个主滑脱面(带)与下部强变形带、中部褶皱层及上部层滑岩片构成。

    Three main decollement surfaces ( or zones ) and low-strong deformation zone , middle folding layers and upper bedding slip slabs have been demonstrated in the Nanhua area of the northwest part of Hubei province .

  23. 研究结果表明:中国大陆壳表层广泛发生过不同程度的水平滑动,剪切-推覆构造系统和推覆-拉伸构造岩片是大陆壳表层的两种基本构造型式。

    Research indicates that different degrees of lateral slip have taken place extensively on the surface of continental crust of China and that the shear-nappe structure system and overthrusting-extensional slices are two basic tectonic patterns at the surface of continental crust .

  24. 成矿物质的来源和矿床的富集部位都受新全球动力学理论-涡旋甩出说以及由它所决定的抽拉构造和多重岩片的控制。

    The sources of mineralizing materials and the enrichment position of ore-deposits could be well explained by the new global dynamic theory , that is , the theory of twisting vortex and throw-out as well as the drawing-out tectonics and multiple rock sheets determined by it .

  25. 异地系统为上元古界、古生界沉积盖层,因变形、变质作用的差异,异地系统又分为下部韧性变形岩片与上部脆性变形岩片两部分,伸展构造总体具二元三层结构模式。

    The alien system is the late proterozoic-paleozoic sedimentary cover , which is subdivided into two parts , according to differential deformation and metamorphism , namely the lower ductile deformation massif and the upper brittle deformation massif . The extensional tectonics is characterized by the two-unit and three-horizon structure .

  26. 方法采用薄层色谱法对岩黄连片进行定性鉴别;

    METHODS : TCL was adopted for qualitative identification of Corydalis saxicola Tablets .

  27. 超基性岩与塞巴奎沉积岩岩片相间构成一巨大的构造岩片的杂岩体。

    The ultrabasic rocks form a complex of large tectonic slices with intercalated slices of Sebakwian sedimentary rocks .

  28. 我想用显微镜鉴别这块岩石的岩性。方法采用薄层色谱法对岩黄连片进行定性鉴别;

    I want to identify the lithology of this piece of rock with the microscope . METHODS : TCL was adopted for qualitative identification of Corydalis saxicola Tablets .

  29. 沉积岩的层片刺破了比斯开湾西班牙巴里卡镇的浓雾。

    Slabs of sediment puncture the fog at Barrika , a Spanish town on the Bay of Biscay .

  30. 秦岭杂岩中花岗质片麻岩体的岩石地球化学特征及成因

    The geochemistry characteristics and genesis of the granitic gneisses in Qinling complex