
jué dìng
  • decision;decide;determine;resolution;rule;call;choose;resolve;fix on;dictate;make up one's mind
决定 [jué dìng]
  • (1) [decide;resolve]∶做出主张

  • 决定去看书作为代替

  • (2) [determine;decide]∶起决定作用

  • 存在决定意识

  • [decision;resolution] 决定的事项

  • 传达上级的决定

决定[jué dìng]
  1. 他们只得抽签决定谁去。

    They had to draw lots to decide who would go .

  2. 我不擅自决定。

    I do not arrogate to myself the right to decide .

  3. 三个月后决定终止治疗。

    It was decided to discontinue the treatment after three months .

  4. 经过审慎的思考,她决定还是接受他的提议。

    She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all .

  5. 陪审团的决定不可能预测。

    It was impossible to second-guess the decision of the jury .

  6. 是谁决定继续这项工程的?

    Who took the decision to go ahead with the project ?

  7. 委员会已决定关闭这家餐馆。

    The committee has / have decided to close the restaurant .

  8. 这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。

    The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought .

  9. 他们决定那天晚上逃跑。

    They decided to make a break for it that night .

  10. 学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  11. 她决定要多走走亲戚。

    She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often .

  12. 国会议员希望推翻英国退出该条约的决定。

    MPs hoped to reverse Britain 's opt-out from the treaty .

  13. 我无权怀疑他们的决定。

    I 'm not in a position to query their decision .

  14. 这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。

    The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry .

  15. 罗西刚要抗议,但又一想决定作罢。

    Rosie was about to protest but thought better of it .

  16. 会议上普遍的意见是反对这个决定。

    The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision .

  17. 已决定把会议提前两周。

    It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks .

  18. 怎样花这笔钱由你决定。

    How to spend the money is for you to decide .

  19. 我们将认真研究这份报告,然后再作决定。

    We will study the report carefully before making a decision .

  20. 学生走上街头抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  21. 我们将作出决定,再与有关人员联系。

    We 'll make our decision and contact the people involved .

  22. 我们经过长久慎重的考虑之后才决定搬家。

    We thought long and hard before deciding to move house .

  23. 嗨!你该作出决定了!

    Come on ─ it 's make your mind up time !

  24. 他们投票决定把这项建议留到下次会议讨论。

    They voted to table the proposal until the following meeting .

  25. 他们经过反复讨论决定接受我们的报价。

    After considerable discussion , they decided to accept our offer .

  26. 他们决定向本地区的下议院议员反映这一问题。

    They decided to take the matter up with their MP .

  27. 他们决定试探一下她对那个项目的兴趣。

    They decided to sound out her interest in the project .

  28. 学校行政机构对这个决定负责。

    The school 's governing body took responsibility for the decision .

  29. 我觉得我无法对他们的决定作出评论。

    I don 't feel I can comment on their decision .

  30. 他为自己所作的决定提出了各种理由。

    He offered a grab bag of reasons for his decision .