
  • 网络Decision-making;Decision Making;decisional roles
  1. 他们将SOAD视作一种支撑资产一项内置在通用目标方法中的决策制定技术而不是一种孤立的方法。

    They saw SOAD as a supporting asset-a decision-making technique em ­ bedded in a general-purpose method-rather than a stand-alone method .

  2. 决策制定方法(“如何”)

    The measures that enable informed decision-making ( the " how ")

  3. 生产环境中宕机的代价是难以承担的,因此Linux操作的可靠性在决策制定过程中扮演着重要角色。

    You cannot afford downtime in production environments , so Linux operating reliability plays a key role in the decision making .

  4. 此系统同时支持设计方案选项(altemative)和做出选择的决策制定过程(decision-makingprocess)。

    The system supports the decision-making process in both designing the alternatives and making the choice .

  5. DSS往往包含大量的分类信息,决策制定者使用这些信息作为决策的依据。

    DSS usually contain a huge amount of information , most of it classified .

  6. Planner的内部决策制定逻辑遵循这一前提。

    Server . Planner 's internal decision making logic follows this premise .

  7. 因此,了解目前气象部门对TC预报的最新进展和动向,准确把握气象部门所能提供的TC预报水平,对于避台决策制定者有着十分重要的意义。

    So it will be of great importance for decision makers to know the latest situation of TC from observatory forecasting .

  8. 在此寄售与营收分享合约机制下,我们面对一个制造商和一位零售商的通路结构,采用Stackelberg之供应通路的决策制定模型。

    Under such a contract , we model the decision-making of a supply channel with one manufacturer and one retailer as a Stackelberg game .

  9. CFAR是加州伯克利(Berkeley)的一个非营利机构,它在影响正在日益扩大的探讨优化决策制定科学的理性运动中地位显著。

    CFAR , a Berkeley , Calif. - based nonprofit , is prominent in the growing ' rationality movement , ' which explores the science of optimized decision-making .

  10. 凭借着数千小时与企业客户合作的经验,Biere帮助决策制定者在BI平台套件和设备之间选择。

    Drawing on thousands of hours working with enterprise customers , Biere helps decision makers choose among BI platform suites and appliances .

  11. 协同决策制定(CDM)概念已广泛应用到美国的空中交通管理(ATM)系统,被加拿大、欧洲及日本民航业所接受。

    The conception of CDM has been widely applied in the Air Traffic Management System ( ATM ) of USA , and accepted by the aviation industry of Canada , Europe and Japan .

  12. GSK表示,新的亚洲总部将包括全部公司职能,以促进在该地区的更快且更有效的决策制定。

    The new Asia headquarters would contain the full corporate capabilities to allow faster and more effective decision making within the region , GSK said .

  13. 这可以改进决策制定的质量,并使得花在收集数据上的时间最小化,因为状态更新是由CLM自动化的。

    This can improve the quality of the decision making and means less time spent collecting data , because status updates are automated by CLM .

  14. 本文用AHP方法对上述模型的预测过程给予分析,由此指导AMT应用的决策制定,确保成功实施AMT。

    In the paper , the AHP method was adopted to analyze the prediction process , which can be used as a guide for decision-making and can ensure the successful implementation of the AMT .

  15. 在Intranet和Internet环境中,数据结构的多样和数据分布的多样,给企业的信息综合分析和决策制定的工作带来了极大的挑战.Web的迅速普及,使这个问题日益突出。

    In the environment of Intranet and Internet , the diversity of data structure and data distribution greatly challenge the integrated analysis of the information and decision making in the enterprise . The rapid spread of the Web make this question stand out gradually .

  16. 当一个组织为其商业产品选择NetBSD(或其他的BSD变种)而不是Linux时,BSD许可是公司决策制定过程中的一个非常重要的因素。

    The BSD license is a big factor in corporate decision making when an organization is choosing NetBSD ( or other BSD variants ) over Linux for commercial products .

  17. 运作决策制定者可以利用顺应DoDAF的报告来比较备选系统的架构,并管理现有系统的演进。

    Operational decision-makers can then use DoDAF-compliant reports to compare the architectures of alternative systems and manage the evolution of existing systems .

  18. 并且,由于我们了解了组织图的使用,因而我们知道BrianMcLean不位于作为Renaissance计划中一部分的决策制定的直接权力线上。

    Also , since we understand the usages of an organization chart , we know that Brian McLean is not in the direct line of authority for decision-making as part of the Renaissance Program .

  19. 不同的组织文化需要决策制定过程中不同级别的独立性。

    Different organizational cultures require different levels of autonomy in decision-making .

  20. 证券公司财务战略:决策制定与指标监控

    Securities Corporate Finance Strategy : Decision Making and Indices Control

  21. 决策制定者的目的是很容易制定和完成的。

    The goal of the decision maker is easily defined and complete .

  22. 此工作的受益人是整个企业中的决策制定者。

    The beneficiaries of this work effort are decision-makers throughout the organization .

  23. 反过来,这又改进了决策制定的质量。

    That , in turn , improves the quality of decision making .

  24. 从本质上说,治理是关于决策制定和沟通的。

    Governance at its essence is about decision-making and communications .

  25. 我没建议冒失或突然的决策制定。

    I 'm not suggesting reckless or snap decision-making .

  26. 第三,决策制定的过程公平化原则。

    Thirdly , the policy-making process must be equitable .

  27. 软件体系结构还可以作为决策制定的记录。

    The software architecture also acts as a record of the decisions made .

  28. 遵循决策制定的逻辑过程。

    Following the logical process of decision - making .

  29. 使学员在积极的参与中感受决策制定-实施-检验-调整的完整过程。

    So they can experience the whole process of making decisions-implementing-testing-adjusting through active participation .

  30. 答:这三个决策制定的条件是确定性、风险性、不确定性。

    Answer : The three decision-making conditions are certainty , risk , and uncertainty .