
rèn miǎn
  • appoint and remove;appoint and dismiss;appoint and remove (or dismiss)
任免 [rèn miǎn]
  • [appoint and remove (or dismiss)] 任用或免去职务

  • 人事任免

任免[rèn miǎn]
  1. 笔者认为,股东大会享有任免独立董事的固有权利,董事会在法定情形下有任免独立董事的权利;

    The directorate is endowed with the right to appoint and remove independence directors under legal state .

  2. 之所以形成这样的局势,主要有四方面原因:一是长期以来对法官行政化管理体制与法官任免制度决定了法官无法只服从法律;

    Management system and judge appoint and remove system determine judge unable to obey law only to judge administration for a long time ;

  3. 首相有权任免高级部长。

    The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers

  4. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。审计机关负责人没有违法失职或者其他不符合任职条件的情况的,不得随意撤换。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures . None of them may be removed or replaced at random for the post .

  5. 英美独立董事任免机制研究

    Research of Appointment and Removal of US and UK Independent Director

  6. 决定驻外全权代表的任免;

    To decide on the appointment or recall of plenipotentiary representatives abroad ;

  7. 总统有权任免各部部长,并制定国家政策。

    He or she appoints and dismisses ministers and formulates national policy .

  8. 培育职业经理层,改进高级管理人员任免机制,促进股票期权制度的顺利实施。

    Professional managers should be cultivated to promote the implementation of stock options .

  9. 论股份公司监事任免机制之完善

    On Perfection of Stock Corporations ' Mechanism of Appointment or Dismissal of Supervisors

  10. 第四部分,独立董事的任免。这部分论述了独立董事的资格一包括积极资格和消极资格;

    The fourth part is about appointing and deposition of the independent director .

  11. 第三部分,从政务决策公开、政务信息公开、行政执法与办事公开、干部人事任免公开四个方面总结了政务公开在我国当代的实践。

    The third part summarizes the practice of government affair opening in our country ;

  12. (七)依照法定程序任免公职人员;

    To appoint or remove holders of public office in accordance with legal procedures ;

  13. 中国国务院最近任免一批国家工作人员。

    China 's State Council recently appointed and dismissed a number of national staff .

  14. 监事任免机制在维持其独立性方面至关重要。

    The mechanism of appointment or dismissal of supervisors is vital to keep its independence .

  15. 企业界任免和晋升的工作方式或许会对女性不利。

    The way patronage and promotion work within the corporate world may count against women .

  16. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures .

  17. 依照法定程序任免各级法院法官;

    To appoint or remove judges of the courts at all levels in accordance with legal procedures ;

  18. 吏部——负责官员的任免、培训和解雇;

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs - responsible for the appointment , training and dismissal of officials .

  19. 主任委员、副主任委员和委员由国务院任免。

    The chairman , vice-chairmen and other members shall be appointed and removed by the State Council .

  20. 利用任免和金钱上的权力,他也正在召集许多什叶派同胞。

    And he is rattling a lot of fellow Shias with his powers of patronage and purse .

  21. 任免高级职员是董事会的一项重要的管理职能。

    The selection or removal of officers is an important managerial function of the board of directors .

  22. 日本法律规定,股东大会具有任免和监督董事的最高权力。

    Japan 's law , the shareholders'meeting and supervision and director of the appointment with the highest power .

  23. 国有独资公司董事任免与评价法律制度研究

    Research on the Legal System of the Appointment , Dismissal and Evaluation of Directors in Wholly State-Owned Companies

  24. 新的官僚制度的建立,便利了国君对地方官员的任免、选拔与考核权的掌握。

    The new bureaucratic system facilitated the monarch to select , examine , appoint , and remove local officials .

  25. 经理的任免应履行法定的程序,并向社会公告。

    The appointment and removal of managers shall be in compliance with legal procedure and shall be publicly announced .

  26. 公司治理效率的根本决定因素在于合理的股权结构与市场化的人事任免机制。

    Essential determinative factors of corporate governance efficiency are reasonable equity structure and marketable mechanism of appointment and remove .

  27. 考核结果作为任免预备役军官职务的主要依据。

    The results of the appraisal shall be taken as the main basis for appointing or removing reserve officers .

  28. 依照法律规定的权限决定国家机关工作人员的任免;

    Decides on the appointment and removal of functionaries of state organs within its jurisdiction as prescribed by law ;

  29. 但是与传统的干部选拔和任免方式相比,这些新的方式具有更强的竞争性。

    However , compared with the selection and appointment of government officials , this new system has more rivalrousness .

  30. 我国应细化董事会提名和股东大会任免独立董事的议事规则。

    Rules of the procedure are refined concerning the directorate nominating , the stockholders conference appointing and removing the independence director .