
  • 网络Ren Yueli;Yuli Ren
  1. 最近,任月丽再次进入大众视野。

    More recently , Ren once again entered the public eye .

  2. 任月丽表示:“我想成为下一个董明珠!”

    Ren said : " I want to be the next Dong Mingzhu ! "

  3. 任月丽曾经是北京西单地下通道的街头歌手。

    Ren Yueli was once a street singer in an underground passage in Xidan , in downtown Beijing .

  4. 任月丽表示,投资牙膏的想法来自她的一个朋友,这位朋友成功地劝说任入伙。

    Ren said the idea to invest in toothpaste came from a friend of hers , who successfully convinced Ren to get involved .

  5. 知名作家苏芩在她的微博上表示,任月丽的企业已经把她推入了千万富翁的行列。

    Well-known writer Su Qin said on her Weibo that Ren 's business enterprise had already propelled her into the stratum of multimillionaires .

  6. 在纽约时代广场的大屏幕上,播放着任月丽经营的一款牙膏的广告。

    A tooth paste advertisement for the brand of a toothpaste that Ren now manages got played on the big screen in New York City 's Times Square .

  7. 不过,任月丽在《成都商业日报》的一次采访中说道:“说我是千万富翁有点儿夸张。那只是对产品的估值。商业是我的第二职业;我还是个歌手,这是我的主业。”

    However , Ren said in an interview with Chengdu Commercial Daily : " It is an exaggerationto say that I 'm a multimillionaire . That 's just the valuation of our products . Business is sort of a secondary profession for me ; I am still a singer , and that 's my main career . "