
  1. 作为中国队第一个出场的运动员,刘诗雯以11比5,11比6,11比8的比分轻松击败了日本选手福原爱,为全队开了一个好头。

    As the first player in action for China , Liu Shiwen beat Japanese Ai Fukuhara easily 11-5 , 11-6 and 11-8 , giving a perfect start for her team .

  2. 男女混合双打,混双中国的许昕和刘诗雯以及日本的水谷隼和伊藤美诚在周日的混双半决赛中获胜,进入了该项赛事的首个奥运会决赛。

    mixed doubles China 's Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen and Japan 's Jun Mizutani and Mima Ito won their mixed doubles semi-finals on Sunday to reach the event 's first Olympic final .

  3. 拥有两名大满贯得主以及现世界排名第1的刘诗雯,中国女队的主教练、16年前的大满贯得主孔令辉,在排兵布阵上没有任何难题。

    With two Grand Slam winners and the current world No. 1 Liu Shiwen in the team , China 's head coach Kong Linghui , a Grand Slam winner himself 16 years ago , faced no dilemma in lining up his squad .

  4. 考虑到已加入德国国籍的中国选手韩莹是对方阵中最强球员,孔令辉选择了李晓霞和刘诗雯先后出战,而不是新科奥运单打比赛冠军丁宁,因为她不像自己的队友一样善于迎战削球手。

    Keeping in mind that German Chinese Han Ying is the top force on the other end of the table , Kong opted for Liu to follow up Li Xiaoxia in the opening two games , rather than newly crowned singles champion Ding Ning , who 's not as good as the duo at playing choppers .