
rèn zhònɡ
  • carry a heavy load
  • an important job
  • load
任重 [rèn zhòng]
  • [lood] 负重,载重

  1. 实现各国共同发展,依然任重而道远。

    Achieving common development for all countries remains an uphill battle .

  2. 加入了WTO后,面临着日益增大的竞争压力,国有商业银行改革任重而道远。

    State-owned commercial banks have faced increasingly competitive pressure and it is far away for the reforms since China joined WTO .

  3. 任重而道远&中国LED照明产业专利风险分析

    Have a Huge Responsibility to Assume , and a Long Way to Go & The Analysis on Patent Risk of the LED Lighting Industry in China

  4. 在纳米结构领域,科研人员已经取得了很大进展,但纳米ZnO器件的应用仍然任重而道远。

    As for nanostructures , although great progress has been made , the application of ZnO nanometer devices still have a long way to go .

  5. 然而,竞争政策在WTO中尚未形成完整的规则体系。竞争政策的国际协调工作任重而道远。

    However , competition policy has not yet formed a complete system of rules under the WTO framework and thus , has a long way to go for its unification .

  6. 如何结合广州市森林防火特点,优化的应用GIS空间分析功能,发展具有广州特色的森林防火事业任重而道远。

    How to develop forest fire prevention and optimal apply the GIS spatial analysis method , which embraces the features of Guangzhou city is a challengeable and long-time task for us .

  7. 但是报告仍表明IPv6主机只占1%,这就意味着IPv6的推进任重而道远。

    Yet reports still suggest that a1 % penetration rate of IPv6 hosts , which means there 's a long way to go .

  8. 数据显示,使用Chrome浏览器的苹果电脑上,有60%的客访量来自于加密的网页,相比之下,Windows和Android用户的比例要小一些,分别为51%和43%。即便如此,网络安全仍然是任重而道远。

    Meanwhile , about 60 % of web traffic using Chrome on a Mac currently accesses encrypted sites , compared to 51 % on Windows and 43 % on Android .

  9. 加入WTO,意味着我国正以前所未有的速度推进保险市场的开放,由此带来的市场效应为中外保险公估公司几乎在同一时间起跑,这就决定了我国保险公估人的发展任重而道远。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and its opening its insurance market is opening to the world , Chinese insurance assessors shoulder an important task in the Chinese insurance companies ' competition with the foreign companies .

  10. 但是在新形势下&经济结构不断调整、网络信息技术迅猛进步、金融全球化、我国加入WTO等等,我国证券监管需要总结的地方很多,任重而道远。

    However , under the situations of economic restructuring , financial globalization , China 's WTO entry and information technology progressing , China has still a long way to go to fulfill the tough task of further perfecting its securities regulation system .

  11. 它表明ACE的建造工作仍然任重而道远,并不能够一蹴而就。它正确地阐述了ACE的起源,是图灵在1936年的“严谨的数学论文”,并且解释了如何利用电子开关来提高机器的速度,

    It presented the building of the ACE as a somewhat distant possibility , rather than being just round the corner . Correctly it set the origin of the ACE in Alan 's ' severely mathematical paper ' of 1936 , and explained how electronic switching provided the speed to make such a machine practical .

  12. 我国的住房信贷保险体系建设还任重而道远。

    Housing credit insurance system in China still shoulders heavy responsibilities .

  13. 在新的征程上,任重而道远。

    In the new journey , the road ahead is long .

  14. 中国保护世界遗产任重而道远

    A Long Way to Go for China to Protect World Heritage

  15. 任重而道远&自动化仪表行业机电一体化的回顾与展望

    Looking Back and Forward of the Mechatronics of Automation Instrumentation Industries

  16. 今后的工作任重而道远。

    The future work of a long way to go .

  17. 而在追赶和超越世界先进水平的征程上,我们任重而道远。

    We shoulders heavy responsibility for overstepping advanced level in the world .

  18. 因此,我国直销企业监管道路仍然任重而道远,研究直销企业监管具有较强的现实意义和理论价值。

    So , Chinese Direct Selling enterprise supervision has theoretical and practice value .

  19. 总之,争端解决机制的建立和完善任重而道远。

    In a word , establishing and consummating the mechanism shoulder heavy responsibilities .

  20. 但前路任重而道远。

    But a daunting amount of work lies ahead .

  21. 任何一项制度的构建及实施都是任重而道远的,需要根据环境的变化在实践中不断地改进和优化。

    It needs improvement and optimization in practice according to the environmental changes .

  22. 西部教育,任重而道远&谈西部开发中教育的发展

    Education in China 's west & An arduous task

  23. 因此,中国的反毒战任重而道远。

    Therefore , much still remains to be done in chinas anti-drug campaign .

  24. 但是科学家们强调,解决秃顶问题仍然任重而道远。也许数年之后才会有可能有所突破。

    But the scientists stressed that tackling baldness was still many years away .

  25. 然而我国控制人口增长的工作依然任重而道远。

    However , the work of controlling Chinese population growth is still demanding .

  26. 要适应未来,我们任重而道远。

    We have a lot to do to get fit for the future .

  27. 但是,要实现普遍可及的目标,我们仍然任重而道远。

    But we are still a long way from the goal of universal access .

  28. 国际社会实现持久和平,共同繁荣任重而道远。互利合作、共同繁荣,是维护和平的经济保障。

    Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace .

  29. 展望前程,任重而道远。

    Prospect , Ren Chonger is far away .

  30. 研究新疆油画发展到民族之路任重而道远。

    This dissertation concludes that Xinjiang painting development has a long way to go .