
  • 网络Mianchi County
  1. 渑池县供电公司电力应急中心视频指挥调度系统的规划与设计

    Plan and Design on Video Command Dispatch System in Power Emergency Central of Mianchi County Power Supply Company

  2. 爆炸事故于周五早上发生,造成三门峡市渑池县境内30米高的大桥坍塌。

    The blast , which occurred on Friday morning , caused the collapse of a 30-meter-high expressway viaduct in Mianchi County , Sanmenxia City .

  3. 农业税减免对豫西山区农户生产投入影响的实证分析&渑池县农户调查

    Effects of agricultural tax relief on agricultural inputs of households in western mountainous region : an empirical investigation in Mianchi County of Henan Province

  4. 据新华社报道,河南省三门峡市渑池县的巨源煤业公司一煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸,现已确定26人死亡。

    Twenty-six people were confirmed dead after a gas explosion at a coal mine of Juyuan Coal Industry Company in Mianchi County , Sanmenxia City , Henan Province , Xinhua reports .

  5. 以产业组织理论为基础,初步提出了旅游产业组织的概念体系,并以河南省渑池县为例进行了初步研究。

    On the basis of the theory of Industrial Organization ( IO ), for an example of Mianchi county , the author gives advances for the concept of Tourism Industrial Organization ( TIO ) .
