
  • 网络yuhang;Yuhang District
  1. 2005-2008年浙江省杭州市余杭区布鲁氏菌病疫情监测分析

    Surveillance of brucellosis in Yuhang district of Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , 2005-2008

  2. 森林生态系统服务价值的遥感估算&以杭州市余杭区为例

    Remote sensing estimation of forest ecosystem services-a case study of Yuhang district in Hangzhou

  3. 杭州市余杭区1994~2003年职业中毒情况分析

    Data analysis of occupational poisonings in Yuhang Distracts of Hangzhou 1994-2003

  4. 余杭区农村饮用水卫生现况及致突变性研究

    Study on Hygienic Status and Mutagenicity of Drinking Water in YuHang Rural Areas

  5. 余杭区规模猪场污染治理模式分析

    Analysis on the pollution treating model of large scale pig farm in Yuhang district

  6. 应用该法,测定了余杭区地产畜禽、水产品68份。检出含呋喃唑酮的样品35份,检出率为51.4%。

    The fluroxone residue was detected in35 out of the68 samples and the detection rate was51.4 % .

  7. 对余杭区提供的公共卫生服务和优惠减免政策了解较少。

    They also had low awareness of the public health service and the preferential policy in Yuhang .

  8. 杭州市余杭区城乡居民健康知识和行为调查研究

    Investigative on health knowledge and related behavior of urban and rural residents in Yuhang District , Hangzhou City

  9. 据此,笔者提出了深入挖掘余杭区创意旅游开发潜力的相应对策。

    Accordingly , the author puts forward the dig Yuhang district creative tourism development potential of the corresponding countermeasures .

  10. 杭州市余杭区部分儿童及家长手足口病知识与行为调查

    Investigation on knowledge and behavior of hand-foot-mouth disease among children and their parents in Yuhang District , Hangzhou City

  11. 余杭区是杭州市八个行政区之一,是杭州市通往上海和江苏方向的东大门。

    Yuhang & one of eight administrative districts under Hangzhou , and the East Gate opening to Shanghai and Jiangsu .

  12. 在杭州余杭区中泰乡附近拟建的这家焚烧厂,将靠近一个现有的垃圾场。

    The planned incinerator near Zhongtai , in the Yuhang District of Hangzhou , would be sited near an existing rubbish dump .

  13. 本公司座落在余杭区仁和镇,地理位置优越,交通方便,环境舒适。

    The company is located in Yuhang District , Renhe Town , and strategic location , convenient transportation , the environment comfortable .

  14. 杭州市余杭区作为南方水泥的传统核心利润区,对于南方水泥的发展意义重大。

    As the traditional core profit area of the Southern cement , Yuhang district of Hangzhou is of great significance to the development of the south of cement .

  15. 休闲旅游业是余杭区现代服务业发展的重点领域之一,受到各级政府的高度重视,旅游业正面临着前所未有的发展机遇。

    As one of the key fields for the development of Yuhang 's modern service industry , tourism is highly regarded by the local government and faces an unprecedented opportunity .

  16. 本论文结合杭州市余杭区城市管理变革实践,对数字化城市管理进行了初步研究,论证了实行数字化城市管理的重要性。

    This thesis , Yu Hang district , Hang Zhou City administration change practice , a preliminary study on digital city management , demonstrating the importance of digital city management .

  17. 地处市郊的余杭区宣布,从现在起区财政将每年拨款五百万元来补贴在农村地区工作的教师。

    And the suburban Yuhang District announced that the district 's financial department would allot 5 million yuan every year from now on to subsidize teachers working in rural areas .

  18. 研究区内人工湿地主要包括水库及养殖水面,人工湿地的破碎化剧烈升高,主要由于余杭区重视水产养殖的发展,积极发展渔业,人工养殖水面相应增加且彼此之间缺少连通性。

    Artificial wetland mainly includes reservoirs and aquaculture , and artificial wetland fragmentation dramatically rise , mainly due to the development of attention for aquaculture in yuhang district , and water aquaculture increase but lack of connectedness .

  19. 方法病例来源于2002年余杭区城乡居民上消化道疾病筛查经胃镜检查病理诊断为慢性胃炎的患者,选择与病例同村、无消化不良症状、无胃病史的常住人口为对照。

    Methods All cases came from the population involved in screening for upper gastrointestinal tract diseases in 2002 and were diagnosed by histopathology . The controls were chosen in residents of the same village who had no stomach disease history and dyspeptic symptoms .