
  • 网络Yu Tien;Tin Yu
  1. 潜伏期x从数小时&20余天不等。

    The latent period ranged from hours to more than twenty days .

  2. 野外调查与遥感成像时间准同步,累计20余天、行程数百公里,以亚米级精度的差分GPS获取几何控制点和所有实测样方的经纬度数据;

    With the field survey and the remote sensing imaging synchronously , we worked for more than 20 days and went hundreds of kilometers to get the longitude / latitude data of GCPs and all the samples by means of GPS with sub-meter precision .

  3. 经G418筛选,获得了G418抗性细胞P851-S,在G418选择压力下,已连续筛选80余天,传代12次;

    By selection with G418 , G418 resistant cells ( P815-S ) were obtained , and were already selected under the pressure of G418 for more than 80 days , 12 generations continuously .

  4. 20余天前患者发现双侧颈部淋巴结肿大。

    Twenty days ago , she found bilateral cervical lymph nodes enlargement .

  5. 他们在澳洲游历前后20余天。

    They travelled all over Australia for about 20 days .

  6. 成虫寿命长达60天或200余天(越冬代)。

    Adult 60-200 days ( overwinter generation ) .

  7. 被人救起后,她大病40余天,几乎不省人事。

    Saved by others , she got seriously ill , almost unconscious for40 more days .

  8. 患者男,65岁。面部溃疡、口腔糜烂伴发热20余天。

    A 65 year-old man presented with facial ulcers , oral erosion and fever for more than 20 days .

  9. 患者女,33岁。口腔黏膜糜烂3个月,外阴溃疡2个月,面部、躯干及四肢出现多形性皮损20余天。

    A 33-year-old female presented painful erosions on the lips and oral mucosa for 3 months and ulcers of vulva for 2 months and multiform-like lesions for 20 days .