
ān lè sǐ
  • euthanasia;mercy killing;painless dying
安乐死 [ān lè sǐ]
  • [euthanasia;painless dying] 给予患有不治之症的人以无痛楚地致死的行为或措施

安乐死[ān lè sǐ]
  1. 对安乐死支持和反对者都有强有力的论据。

    There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia .

  2. 他们据理力争让自愿安乐死合法化。

    They argued in favour of legalizing voluntary euthanasia .

  3. 安乐死是否应定为合法?

    Should euthanasia be made legal ?

  4. 我要把小狗带到兽医那里,让她安乐死。

    I 'm going take the dog down to the vet 's and have her put to sleep .

  5. 位于纽约的美国防止虐待动物协会(AmericanSocietyforthePreventionofCrueltytoAnimals)的会长马特·柏沙德克尔(MattBershadker)说,据估计,每年有140万只猫(及120万条狗)被安乐死。

    An estimated 1.4 million cats ( and 1.2 million dogs ) are euthanized annually , said Matt Bershadker , the president of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of New York .

  6. 破折号后表述euthanasia是指在无痛苦的状态下结束一个患绝症人生命的行为,即“安乐死”。

    The southern Europeans are sensitive to the topic of euthanasia-killing without pain a person who is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured .

  7. Wilson说研究对象中63%的人认为在某些特定情况下安乐死和医生协助自杀应受法律允许,这一比例与以正常人为调查对象得出的结果大致相同。

    Wilson said the proportion of study subjects 63 per cent who thought euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be legal in certain circumstances is about the same among healthy individuals .

  8. 动物园宣称:根据动物福利条例,为了避免让Heidi再遭受痛苦,我们决定对它实行安乐死。

    Heidi had to be put to sleep avoid her suffering pain , in accordance with animal welfare guidelines , the zoo said .

  9. 分歧的焦点是是否应该推进安乐死的合法化。

    The focus is whether to promote the legalization of euthanasia .

  10. 与死亡相关的问题有假死、植物人和安乐死,“安乐死”不是“受嘱托杀人”,应尽早立法保护。

    Problems concerning death are suspended animation , vegetable and euthanasia .

  11. 212例老年住院患者对安乐死态度的调查

    An Investigation on the Attitude for 212 Elderly Inpatients Towards Euthanasia

  12. 除了荷兰,所有的欧洲国家都认定安乐死是不合法的。

    Except the Netherlands all the European nations consider euthanasia illegal .

  13. 你认为安乐死可以在香港合法化吗?

    Do you think legal euthanasia is feasible in Hong Kong ?

  14. 死亡权与我国安乐死立法问题论析

    Discussion on right for death and legislation of euthanasia in China

  15. 从我国现行法律看安乐死的实施

    On Maintenance of Euthanasia from the Current Law in Our Country

  16. 其次论证了安乐死不是犯罪行为,具有非罪性。

    Then the paper proves practicing euthanasia is not a crime .

  17. 日本安乐死立法之考察与研究

    The Investigation and Study of the Legislation about Euthanasia in Japan

  18. 关于农村社区医生对安乐死态度的分析

    Analyses on Work Attitude to Euthanasia for Doctors in Rural Community

  19. 安乐死在中国合法化的基础与立法构想

    Basis and Legislation Framework of Euthanasia 's Legalization in China

  20. 因此,安乐死的合法与否便成为了人们热议的话题。

    So , euthanasia is legal or not become a hot topic .

  21. 安乐死的问题。

    The euthanasia has become a new problem people are faced with .

  22. 关于建立自愿安乐死协会倡议书

    A Proposal Concerning the Establishment of Euthanasia Association for Volunteers

  23. 安乐死的本质:致死还是安乐?

    The Essence of Euthanasia : To Death or Relief ?

  24. 现在迫切需要制定有关安乐死的法律。

    It is urgent to make a law on euthanasia .

  25. 永远、我永远不会再给这些动物实施安乐死了。

    Never , ever would I do convenience euthanasia again .

  26. 患不治之症的垂危病人安乐死未必是人不道的。

    To put an incurable dying man away may not be inhuman .

  27. 他们称之为安乐死。是否应将安乐死合法化?

    They call it mercy killing . Should euthanasia is made legal ?

  28. 论恶性肿瘤患者的放弃治疗&消极安乐死

    Discussion on Withdrawing Treatment and Passive Euthanasia of Patients with Malignant Tumors

  29. 论安乐死的伦理依据试论商人伦理

    On the Ethic Foundation of Euthanasia Discussion on merchant ethic

  30. 安乐死合法化:基本分析和立法建议

    On Legitimization of Euthanasia : Basic Analysis and Legislative Proposal