
  • 网络ISONYM
  1. 前言:“紫铆”又名紫矿,还有紫梗、紫草茸、虫胶等名。

    Butea gum is also called shellac , insect lac , etc.

  2. 台面、建筑装饰、建筑模板等名用产品材料。

    Floor , building decoration , construction template and so civil product material .

  3. 她曾经让罗塞蒂等名画家给她画像。

    She had sat for famous painters like rossetti .

  4. 本机电器及气支元件采用德国、日本、台湾等名优产品。

    The electric system and pneumatic components of this machine arc adopted German , Japaneseand Taiwanese famous brand .

  5. 前方有路任我选,世界无神能救我,选择等名与自由,选择各异未来异!

    No God in the world can help me , Choosing is the byname of freedom , Different choice makes different future .

  6. 结果发现跟李小龙,成龙,李连杰等名角都搭档拍过戏的,竟然独我一人。

    It turns out that I am the only person that has acted with Bruce Lee , Jackie Chan and Jet Li among many others .

  7. 在我国,风景名胜地很早就见诸于史料记载,保留下来的也有相当数量,如闻名于世的西湖,泰山等名胜地。

    In China , the scenic spots were found in early historical records , there were also retained some of a significant number , such as the famous West Lake , Mount Tai and other famous places .

  8. 五代、唐、宋、元、明、清,江西茶乡遍布,宁红、婺绿、庐山云雾等名品,饮誉中外,雄占市场。

    Calendar of the Five Dynasties and the Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing , Jiangxi tea around , Ning Hong , Wucheng green brands , such as Lushan cloud , renowned Chinese and foreign males accounted for the market .

  9. 在该系统中,我们首先从新闻专题的文章集合中识别并挑选出代表新闻要素的时间、地点、人物、机构等名实体,并对识别出的名实体进行频率统计。

    In this system , the first of all , named entities , such as time , location , person and organization , which present important factors of news , are identified and picked out from the news documents , and then they are counted .

  10. Alfie和Charlie等男孩名也有类似趋势。

    Boys names such as Alfie and Charlie have followed a similar trend .

  11. 上周有消息称,雷曼兄弟首席执行官迪克富尔德(dickfuld)等12名高管接到了与联邦调查有关的传票。

    It emerged last week that dick Fuld , Lehman Brothers chief executive , is among 12 executives who received subpoenas related to federal investigations .

  12. 在等一名鞋带断掉的朋友。

    waited for one of her friends who had broken a shoelace .

  13. 例如,可以使用“姓氏”、“地址”和“家庭电话”等字段名。

    For example , you might use field names such as last name , address , and home phone .

  14. 1948年的今天,日本前首相东条英机等6名日本头号战犯在东京被处决。

    1948-former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo ( hee-day-kee toh-joh ) and six other Japanese war leaders were executed in Tokyo .

  15. 同时,艾克森、阿兰和费南多等5名归化球员也已被召入国家队。

    Meantime , five naturalized players including Ai Kesen , Alan and Fei Nanduo have been called up to the national team .

  16. 方法采用普查法对东南沿海某导弹部队、某工兵部队等3920名官兵进行了皮肤病流行病学调查,并采用多种措施对高发皮肤病进行防治。

    Methods Epidemiological investigation into skin diseases was done among 3,920 servicemen from south-eastern coastal troops such as missile unit and engineer troop .

  17. 他还说用类似阿玛尼或香奈儿等商标名给孩子命名反应了这些家庭在物质方面的渴望。

    He also says that naming a child after a brand such as Armani or Chanel reflects the material hopes of such families .

  18. 全国五一劳动奖章授予射击运动员杨倩、短跑运动员苏炳添等45名金牌获得者。

    The National May 1st Labor Medals were awarded to 45 gold medalists , including shooter Yang Qian , and sprinter Su Bingtian .

  19. 此时,休息室有罗某某、王某、袁某等三名服务员正在看电视。

    Then she along with Tang entered the restroom of waitress , where the three waitresses Luo , Wang , and Yuang were watching TV .

  20. 新释出了彰愍、敦睦、延庆等宫名,并诠释了墓主人的履历及亲属关系。

    The palace names Zhangmin , Dunmu and Yanging are explained first time . Yelunu 's antecedents and kinsfolk relationships are also explained in the paper .

  21. 以海南省2005年被取消报考一本院校资格的李洋等28名高考移民为例,从私权利之视角剖析高考移民现象合法、合理性的一面。

    This paper is a case study of the validity and rationality of the twenty-eight mobile college entrance examinees in Hainan Province whose admission rights are denied for the first-class colleges .

  22. 本周一,这支由前锋费尔南多•托雷斯、中场球员哈维和守门员兼队长伊克•卡西利亚斯等23名球员组成的欧洲冠军球队在马德里市郊的拉斯罗萨斯训练场地集合。

    The 23-players in the European champions ' squad , including striker Fernando Torres , midfielder Xavi and goalkeeper and captain Iker Casillas , met up at the Las Rozas training facility outside Madrid on Monday .

  23. 我国是医学史上对痔的记载和治疗最早的国家,在距今3000千年的殷商时代,古人镌刻于龟甲上已记载了下痢,疾腹等病名。

    China is the country about the earliest record and treated hemorrhoids in medical history . Three thousand years ago , names of diseases like diarrhea and abdominal illness were appeared and put down in writing on the turtle shell .

  24. 篇章民族文化伴随意义产生的途径不一而足,或是因为篇章中使用了具有民族文化伴随意义的词汇或成语等称名单位,或是因为篇章语义涉及到民族文化和社会生活的有关内容。

    The connotative meaning of text arises either because words and phrases with cultural nuances are employed in the text , or because the text itself touches upon subject matter of the ethnic culture or social life of the people concerned .

  25. 路老是中医风湿病(痹证、痹病)学科的创始人之一,发展湿病理论,提出燥痹、产后痹等病名,形成燥痹学说,推动风湿病学科建设。

    Lu Zhi-zheng is one of the founders of the subject , TCM rheumatism ( bi syndrome , bi disease ) . He developed wet disease theory , proposed a " dry bi "," postpartum bi " problems , formed dry bi theory , and promoted rheumatism discipline construction .

  26. 这档名为《央young之夏》的节目,汇聚了包括康辉、撒贝宁、尼格买提等40余名中央广播电视总台的主播。

    Called " Young Summer , " the show brings together over 40 anchors and hosts from China Media Group , including Kang Hui , Sa Beining and Nigemaiti .

  27. 阿迪达斯计划最终为其所有运动鞋类&篮球鞋、网球鞋等配备这种名为Boost的气囊技术。

    Adidas plans to eventually outfit all of its athletic shoes – basketball , tennis , the works – with its Boost technology .

  28. 阿迪达斯计划最终为其所有运动鞋类——篮球鞋、网球鞋等配备这种名为“Boost”的气囊技术。

    Adidas plans to eventually outfit all of its athletic shoes - basketball , tennis , the works - with its " Boost " technology .

  29. 我朋友的丈夫William(是一名出租车司机),此时正坐在车里等着一名顾客付钱,同时,看着倾盆而下的大雨在那条忙碌的街道边上留下一些犹如湖一般大小的水洼。

    Sitting in his cab waiting for a fare , my friend 's husband , William , watched as a torrential downpour left lake-size puddlesjust off the curb of the busy street .

  30. 每台计算机都运行一个收集和发送度量数据(如处理器速度、内存使用量等)的名为gmond的守护进程。它将从操作系统和指定主机中收集。

    Each machine runs a daemon called gmond which collects and sends the metrics ( like processor speed , memory usage , etc. ) it gleans from the operating system to a specified host .