
  • 网络Mangshi;mans;lum
  1. 4月12日早上,德宏州首都城市芒市举行了一个壮观的典礼。

    On the morning of April . 12th , a grand ceremony was held in Mangshi , capital city of Dehong Prefecture .

  2. 本文论述了芒市河流域的地质基础,地貌类型及发育特征,并对各种地貌资源进行了一定的评价,对洪灾的防治提出了建议。

    The main point of this article is on the geological basis of the drainage basin in Mangshi , on the geomorphological types and development character Kinds of geomorphological resources are also evaluated and the precaution to the floods are proposed .

  3. 乳化沥青稀浆封层技术在云南芒市公路段的应用

    Application of Asphalt Emulsion Slurry Seal Technology in Yunnan Provence 's Road

  4. 本文采用根据时间序列数据重建复杂系统动力学特征的方法,对澜沧&耿马地震前后澜沧、普洱、思茅和芒市台的水氡旬均值进行了处理,得到震前澜沧。

    In this paper , the radon average values in every 10 days at Lancang , Puer and Mangshi stations before and after Lancang-Gengma Earthquake are processed by the method of " reestablishing the complex systematically-dynamic characteristic in light of the temporal sequence data " .