
  • 网络dicranopteris pedata;dicranopteris dichotoma;dicranopteris linearis
  1. 通过对香港草地、芒萁、灌木群落植物生物量和净生产量的研究,探讨这些植物群落的C素动态。

    Carbon dynamics of the grass , fern and shrub communities in Hong Kong were studied based on the estimation of their biomass and net primary production ( NPP ) .

  2. 铁芒萁叶片光系统(PS)荧光发射峰较普通植物紫移15~25nm,且峰强是PS的6.79倍,表明PS活性提高。

    The fluorescence emission peaks of photosystem ⅱ in D. Dichotoma were more violet shift by 15 ~ 25 nm than that of common plant . The fluorescence intensity of photosystem ⅱ was as 6.79 time as that of photosystem ⅰ .

  3. 灌木层的物种多样性指数高于乔木层和草本层,由木映山红白栎乌饭盐肤木山柿、青冈栎、冬青、枫香红楠野桃香港黄檀木等组成,草本层以芒萁五节芒等组成。

    Species diversity index in shrub was higher than that in arbor and herb .

  4. 芒萁群落中营养元素的循环特点

    Characteristics of nutrient elements cycling in fern community

  5. 我国的芒萁资源丰富,在全国各地多有分布。

    In our country , there is an abundant resources of it and distributed throughout our country .

  6. 草本层的物种丰富度以两个人工林群落为高,但分布不均,且主要以芒萁为主,表明了群落生境的干旱性和瘠薄性。

    The species of the two plantation communities on grass layer were rich than that of the natural broadleaved forest .

  7. 对芒萁化学成分的分析,为阐明其化感作用作用的物质基础提供了初步依据。

    To study of the chemical ingredients of absorption , to elucidate the role of allelopathy provides material base of the preliminary basis .