
  1. Mamaine(哈瓦那15街与17街之间,L街206号)是一家充满艺术气息的私密咖啡馆,早餐很出名,有墨西哥玉米饼和鲜芒果汁。

    Mamaine ( Calle L No. 206 , between 15 and 17 , Havana ) is an artsy , intimate cafe known for a breakfast menu that includes tortillas and fresh mango juice .

  2. 我很抱歉,我只有芒果汁和柠檬水。

    I am sorry , I only have mango juice and lemonade .

  3. 最终,她们决定还是呆在车上,靠芒果汁补充体力。

    Instead , they stuck it out and subsisted on mango juice .

  4. 他喝新鲜芒果汁和百香果汁。

    He drinks fresh juice from mangoes and passion fruit .

  5. 很抱歉,我们只有罐装的芒果汁。

    Strawberry , but this time , mango juice .

  6. 这些小把戏让那些硅谷的榜样们被自己榨出的新鲜芒果汁呛到了。

    Such tricks make Silicon Valley types choke on their freshly squeezed mango juice .

  7. 你认为这儿会有芒果汁吗?

    Do you think he has mango juice ?

  8. 那是樱桃芒果汁吗?

    Is that berry mango madness ?

  9. 我们的鲜榨果汁有橙汁、苹果汁、西瓜汁、芒果汁。

    We have fresh orange juice , apple juice , watermelon juice , and mango juice .

  10. 听起来这是让你以一杯新鲜的芒果汁开启崭新一天的生活的一个很有效的理由。

    Sounds like a valid reason to start your day with a glass of fresh mango juice .

  11. 您想要什么果汁?我们有菠萝汁,芒果汁,草莓汁和西瓜汁。

    What kind of juice would you prefer ? We have pineapple , mango , strawberry and watermelon .

  12. 我们有橙汁,苹果汁,菠萝汁,芒果汁和番茄汁,您想要喝那种呢?

    We 've got orange , apple , pineapple , mango and tomato juice , which one would you like ?

  13. 侍者:好的,枸杞汁、绿豆沙、粒粒橙、芒果汁,请稍候。

    Very good . A fresh wolfberry juice , a Green Bean Sha , a snappy orange drink and a mango juice . Just a moment , please .

  14. 他只是含糊地做了些许诺,对这位老人表示同情,并给了他两小盒芒果汁,这就算完了。

    He just made some vague promises and , and feeling sorry for the old man , gave him two small cartons of mango juice , and that was it .

  15. 利用不同加工方法研究芒果澄清汁的出汁率

    Research on the yield of clarified mango juice with various processing methods

  16. 浓缩芒果浑汁制备中的酶解工艺研究

    Study on Enzymatic Hydrolysis in Preparing Concentrated Cloudy Mango Juice

  17. 不同杀菌方法对芒果澄清汁的影响

    Influence of sterilization methods on the properties clarified mango juice

  18. 本文主要采用四种不同加工方法对芒果澄清汁的出汁率进行了研讨。

    Here presented the research on the yield of clarified mango juice with four processing methods .