
  • 网络Ecologic Science;ecological science;ecology
  1. 作为一个新开辟的文学空间,大自然文学是生态科学和人文艺术的联姻。

    Nature literature , a newly started space , connects ecological science with humane art .

  2. 环境伦理原则的构建应以生态科学揭示的人类在自然生态系统中的公共利益作为其现实基础和客观依据。

    The principles of environmental ethics should be constructed with the public benefits of human beings in the natural ecosystem revealed in the ecological science as its practical foundation and objective basis .

  3. 生态科学在现代景园设计中应用的发展

    Development of the Application to Ecology in Modern Landscape Architecture Design

  4. 现代风景园林设计越来越科学化、人性化,其核心就是引入了生态科学的系统思想和方法。

    Modern landscape architecture becomes more and more scientific and human .

  5. (生物学)属于或有关生态科学的。

    ( biology ) of or relating to the science of ecology .

  6. 本研究为建立系统化的信息生态科学体系做了铺垫。

    The study in this paper is useful for systematic information ecology science .

  7. 生态科学数据管理是一项基础性工作。

    Ecological scientific data management is a fundamental work .

  8. 边际效应理论及其增值效应是现代生态科学很重要的一个原理。

    The theory of edge effect was one of important principle in modern ecology .

  9. 中国西部环境和生态科学重大研究计划阶段性进展及深入研究的问题

    The progress of studies on the environmental change and ecological issues in Western China

  10. 现代生态科学与森林经理学:寻求森林经营的生态合理性

    Modern Ecological Sciences and Forest Management : Towards the Forest Management for Ecological Reasonableness

  11. 酒庄以生态科学种植葡萄,并且手工采摘晚收型葡萄。

    The winery uses ecological methods and harvests the grapes late and by hand .

  12. 元数据是规范生态科学数据管理和实现信息共享的关键。

    Metadata is the key point for standardizing data management and achieving information sharing . 2 .

  13. 有机肥科学合理使用一直是农业、环境科学、生态科学等所关注的问题。

    Reasonable and scientific use of organic manure has been concerned in agriculture , environmental and ecology science .

  14. 系统科学、生态科学是对自然界普遍联系、永恒发展的深化认识。

    System science and ecology science are the deepened acknowledgement to the universal contact and the perpetual development of the nature .

  15. 迅猛发展的现代生态科学为发展和创新寻求生态合理性的森林经营理论和技术奠定了基础。

    The foundations of forest management development and innovation are laid by developing disturbance ecology , landscape ecology and restoration ecology .

  16. 在技术层面上实现了数据共享,建立了生态科学数据共享平台。

    The goal of data sharing was achieved at the technical level , and ecological scientific data sharing platform was also established .

  17. 一个管理着国家大片最宝贵公共资源的官僚机构在很多年里并不真正懂得生态科学。

    As years went by , these vast reserves of public land were managed by a bureaucracy that really did not understand their ecology .

  18. 生态科学不仅是进行生态道德教育的理性基础,也是培养生态感情的认知基础。

    Ecology is not only the rational basis for ecological moral education but also the cognitive basis for the cultivation of the ecological sentiment .

  19. 作物生长发育的动态模拟研究始于20世纪60年代,是在作物生理生态科学中引入系统分析方法和计算机技术而兴起的。

    Simulation studies on crop growth and development began in 1960 's with the application in crop physiological ecology of system analysis methodology and computer technology .

  20. 论耕作学与农业生态学的学科关系和学科建设(生物学)属于或有关生态科学的。

    ( biology ) of or relating to the science of ecology . The Introduction Discussion of the University Discipline Based on the Ecological Aesthetics Visual Field ;

  21. 提出我国环境教育的理论依据包括生态科学、马克思主义自然观、中国传统文化、现代生态伦理学和教育学理论。深化和升华我国环境教育的理论思想基础;

    This paper also proposes the theories of our country 's environmental education , including ecological sciences , Marxism natural outlook of , Chinese traditional cultures western ecological ethics and pedagogical theory .

  22. 论述了森林旅游在长期的历史发展过程中,与传统文学艺术、宗教活动、现代生态科学相结合表现出的不同特征。

    Various characteristics are expounded of China 's forest tourism which has been interwoven with the ethnic art , literature , religion , and modern ecology in its historical process of development .

  23. 另一个方面,后现代主义的多元性缺少了对生态科学的追求,而微型建筑以它天生的小巧灵活、生态环保材质等优点较好地弥补了这一缺陷。

    Another aspect , post-modernism diversity of ecological science lack the pursuit , and with its natural miniature building small flexible , ecological and environmental protection material etc better land compensate for the defects .

  24. 首先,对区域经济发展的生态科学原理进行探索,揭示了区域经济形成的生命周期、生物群落原理和区域协调发展的生态原理。

    First , explore scientific principles of life in regional economic development , revealing the formation of regional economic life cycle , biological communities and regional coordinated development of the principles of ecological principles .

  25. 政治生态学是政治学与生态学的交叉学科,它是借用生态科学的概念、理论、观点和方法来研究社会政治现象的理论。

    Political ecology is a political science and ecology of the cross-disciplinary , it is borrowing the concept of ecological science , theories , viewpoints and methods to study the theory of social and political phenomena .

  26. 本文从区域地理特征出发,应用资源与资源生态科学理论和系统分析方法,分析了土地利用现状、土地生产力现状及土地利用中存在的问题;

    From the aspect of regional geographical features and by means of the theory of resources , resources ecological science and the way of system analysis , the author analysed the present condition of land utilization f land productivity and problems existing in land use .

  27. 对现代生态科学的成果进行哲学概括,可以为解决困扰当今人类的诸多重大环境问题提供新观念和新方法,推动一种以保护地球和人类的持续生存和发展为标志的人类新文明的建立。

    The philosophical review of the modern ecology science achievements will provide a new approach to the revolution of many environmental problems by which human beings have been obsessed . Thus , the new civilization characterized by protection and sustainable development of the earth and human beings can be established .

  28. 山区县域生态经济科学发展对策&以吉林省抚松县为例

    Countermeasures on Scientific Development of Ecological Economy in the Counties of Mountainous District in China

  29. 呼吁社会各界以生态、科学的态度对待身边即将逝去的工业遗产。

    Appeal to the community of ecological and scientific attitude towards the side of the industrial heritage .

  30. 生态水文科学研究的现状与展望生态农业发展现状及对策研究&以安徽省池州市为例

    CURRENT SITUATION AND PROSPECT OF THE ECOLOGICAL HYDROLOGY Present Condition of Ecological Agriculture Development and the Countermeasure