
  • 网络Biological aging;chronological aging
  1. 生物老化的MonteCarlo模拟模型

    Monte Carlo Simulation Models for Biological Aging

  2. 聚碳酸酯聚氨酯弹性体的模拟生物老化性能的研究

    Study on Simulated Biological Aging Properties of Polycarbonate Polyurethane Elastomers

  3. 一个综合的了解生物老化的过程仍然有一段距离。

    A comprehensive understanding of aging in biology is far off still , the ability to manipulate it easily is even further off than that .

  4. 用红树林树种制造的单宁还用来天然纤维织成的渔网的加工和染色,以提高其抗生物老化能力。

    Tannin from mangrove species has also been used for curing and dyeing of fishing nets made of natural fibre to make the nets more resistant to biological decay .

  5. 羰基毒害衰老学说指出,羰-氨反应作为自由基氧化和非酶糖基化两大生化反应的兼有反应,是氧化和糖基化造成缓慢生物老化过程的不可避免且大部分不可修复的核心过程。

    According to carbonyl stress theory of aging , carbonyl-amine reaction as a common reaction of free radical oxidation and non-enzymatic glycosylation is an inevitable and irreversible core process during the slow aging procedure caused by oxidation and glycosylation .

  6. 同时指出,劳动年龄人口黄金时代、人口生物老化、老龄化中的两堵墙论等均是学术上的悖论。

    The paper also points out that propositions such as " gold times " of working-age population , " biological population ageing ", and " two walls " in the process of population ageing are paradoxes in present research .

  7. 生物在老化过程中,表现出记忆减退、智力障碍等早期症状。

    In the process of aging , creatures showed early symptoms such as memory impairment , mental retardation .

  8. 作者认为可将血浆睾酮含量、T-SOD活力及E2/T比值的测定值作为判断男性老年人的生物年龄及老化程度的一个参考指标。

    The results suggest that testosterone , total superoxide dismutase and E2 / T ratio act as an index for judgment bio - logic age and aging degree in the man elderly .

  9. 衰老与生物钟的老化

    Aging and weakening of the mechanisms of biological clock

  10. 本研究的目的在于探索小麦抗外部生物逆境(条锈病和白粉病)和内部生物逆境(叶片老化)的分子细胞生物学基础。

    The purpose of this study is to determine molecular and celluar basis for the resistance to the outer-biological factor adversity ( stripe rust and powdery milew ) and the inter-biological factor adversity ( senescence ) .

  11. 悬浮生物量占总生物量的13%~19%,由于贫营养微生物有形成生物膜的偏好,故悬浮生物主要由老化脱落的生物膜构成,它对微生物活性几乎没有作用。

    The suspended biomass accounts for 13 % ~ 19 % of the total biomass . However , the oligotrophic microbes prefers to aggregate as biofilm , which resulted in that the suspended biomass mainly consists of aged and falling-off biofilm and contributed little to the microbial activity .