
shēnɡ mìnɡ tǒnɡ jì
  • vital statistics
  1. 生命统计包括出生、亡、姻等。

    Vital statistics related to birth , death , marriage , etc.

  2. 世界改善生命统计方案;

    World Programme for the improvement of vital statistics ;

  3. 方法根据ICD-9对合肥市1987~2001年间的生命统计监测资料进行死因编码,用1990年全国人口普查结果进行标化率计算,进一步计算各种恶性肿瘤的YPLL(潜在减寿年数)。

    Methods Cause of death was coded based on ICD 9 in Hefei , 1987 ~ 2001 . The standardized mortality was calculated based on the result of national census in 1990 and then calculated the YPLL of malignant tumor .

  4. 生命统计资料中年龄和时期趋势效应的估计

    Estimating the Effects of Age and Temporal Variation for Vital Data

  5. 生命统计分析与政府宏观决策

    Analysis of Life Statistics and Government Macroscopic Policy Decision

  6. 方法对1992~2001年蚌埠市市辖区生命统计年报资料进行分析。

    Methods Annual health statistics of Bengbu ( 1992-2001 ) was used to analysis .

  7. 国际加快改善生命统计和民事登记制度方案;

    International Programme for accelerating the improvement of vital statistics and civil registration systems ;

  8. 生命统计分析中年龄、时期和出生队列对疾病效应的定量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis of The Effects of Age , Period , and Cohort In Vital Rates

  9. 民事登记和生命统计

    Civil registration and vital statistics

  10. 生命统计:人的生命中重要事件的统计,如出生,死亡,婚姻和移民等。

    Vital statistics : Statistics concerning the important events in human life , such as births , deaths , marriages , and migrations .

  11. 方法1.从河南省癌症及生命统计登记中心获取各个登记点胃癌、食管癌、肺癌、肝癌和乳腺癌的死亡数据,计算各个登记点三个时期的标准化死亡率。

    The death records of cancer were derived from Henan Cancer and Vital Statistics Registry and the standardized mortality rates of every registry was calculated in three periods . 2 .

  12. 婴儿、新生儿死亡率及平均期望寿命三项生命统计指标与国内同期其他农村及国外资料相比已达到先进水平。

    The infant mortality , neonatal mortality and life expectancy have reached an advanced level as compared with available data from other demestic rural areas and other countries in the same period .

  13. 睿畜科技使用人工智能对猪只进行生命统计,并提供商用服务,他们给母猪扣上可预测猪排卵时间的可穿戴监测器。

    SmartAHC , a company that uses A.I. to monitors pigs " vital statistics that offers commercially available services , hooks up sows with wearable monitors that can predict the pigs " ovulation time .

  14. 两种IUD的临床使用效果经生命表法统计,含药宫铜IUD与宫铜IUD使用一年续用率分别为每百妇女98.03和97.95。

    Result : The 12 months continuation rate of both IUDs were 98.03 and 97.95 per 100 women respectively .

  15. 国际生命登记与统计研究所(生命统计所)国际原子能机构会计记录检查

    International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics iaea examination of accounting records

  16. 统计数据质量是统计工作的生命,是统计信息、咨询、监督三大功能的基石。

    Qualities of Statistic data are the life of statistic work . It is the cornerstone of the three functions of statistic information , advice and supervision .

  17. 通过对采集到的各种生命事件进行统计分析,获取了一些对象生命行为规律,对新型垃圾收集算法的设计提出了指导。

    All the life behavior records are captured to be counted and analyzed , harvesting some rules of memory visiting to direct the design of the new algorithm of garbage collection .

  18. 所谓纯保费,是以生命表死亡率统计为基础而计算的,亦即死亡赔偿的平均分摊值。核密度法厘定我国粮食保险纯费率的实证研究

    So-called pure insurance cost , be with life watch mortality statistic is a foundation and calculative , the average share that i.e. death compensates for is worth . An Empirical Study on the Net Premium Rates Calculation of Grain in China Based on Kernel Density Estimator

  19. 安全性指标分析将在安全性分析集(ss)中进行,对不良事件、实验室检查和生命体征进行描述性统计分析。

    The safety indexes will be analyzed in ss , making descriptive statistical analysis on the adverse events , laboratory examinations and vital signs .

  20. 政府统计数据质量是统计工作的生命,尤其是统计入世后,这更加关系到我国社会主义现代化的进程。

    The government economic data quality is the core of the statistics work , especially after China joins WTO . And the quality of data is related to the process of China 's modernization .