
  1. 这家茶餐厅富有情调,服务友好,还提供非常美味的食物,所以很有可能在各类年度餐厅奖中大获全胜。

    The great atmosphere , friendly service and fantastic food mean this tea shop will probably sweep the board at the annual restaurant awards .

  2. 游戏介绍:制服MM们勤工俭学,在茶餐厅里打工赚钱,要服务好客人哦!

    MM : They illustrate uniform work-study , earn money in the cafe room to serve the guests !

  3. 红专厂制罐街D2的表叔茶餐厅已经准备好了经典港式下午茶恭候大家。

    The Uncle restaurant is there waiting for you all with classic Hong Kong-style high tea on D2 Can Street at Redtory .

  4. 通常我都会被馋得去店里买一个,但这次我被吸引到了一个街区外的“茶餐厅”(ChaChanTang),门口还挤着一群中国年轻人。

    I 'm normally tempted to drop in for one , but I was headed a block away , where a gaggle of young Chinese packed the entryway at Cha Chan Tang .

  5. 怡丰茶餐厅除了Laksa之外还有牛杂汤和砂煲鸡饭。

    Other than Laksa , there are also Mixed Beef Soup and Claypot Chicken Rice .

  6. 你以后会不会不让我到你的茶餐厅里吃东西?

    Will you still let me hang out at your cafe ?

  7. 港式茶餐厅&从全球化的香港饮食文化谈起

    Hong Kong Style Tea Cafe : Globalization of Food Culture in Hong Kong

  8. 传统的面试方式已不再使用了,比如茶餐厅谈话和两小时的午餐面试等。

    These tradition approaches have gone the way of tea trolleys and two-hour lunch-breaks .

  9. 沿着街道往下走是普拉托咖啡馆,然后是威尼斯茶餐厅。

    Down the street is the Prato Caf é . Then the Venice restaurant .

  10. 这家店起名“茶餐厅”,就好比咖啡店的名字起做“咖啡店”。

    Naming the restaurant Cha Chan Tang is like naming a coffee shop Coffee Shop ;

  11. 请留意茶餐厅主页底部的[服务条款]。

    Please refer to the SERVICE AGREEMENT link on the bottom of the main page .

  12. 马上给我联络茶餐厅!

    Contact law 's diner right away !

  13. 帕蒂格鲁以伦敦新近开张的几家茶餐厅为例,证明英国对精茶的兴趣日趣浓厚。

    Pettigrew points to several new London openings as evidence of the burgeoning interest in fine tea .

  14. 曾经,唐人街上到处都是茶餐厅,但这家店和那些有所不同。

    there used to be cha chaan tengs all over Chinatown , but this is something more .

  15. 本设备广泛运用于宾馆、酒店、西餐厅、茶餐厅、麻将馆等休闲娱乐场所,方便快捷。

    This equipment is widely used in guesthouses , hotels , restaurants , cafes , mahjong and other leisure entertainment , and convenient .

  16. 小憩:两人到达了同一幢楼,20年代的时候还是一家茶餐厅,如今是间咖啡厅。

    Refreshment : The pair arrive at the same building which is a tea room in the Twenties and a coffee shop today .

  17. 迪斯尼和中国文化的融合在许多经典的中国设计中都是可见的,比如名为漫月轩的茶餐厅等等。

    The blend of Disney and Chinese cultures will be visible in many classic Chinese designs , such as a teahouse named Wandering Moon .

  18. 所以这就是我的那样,我成了第一个胡同走进第一家茶餐厅一样,我能找到。

    So that is what I did , I took the first alleyway and went into the first tea house like restaurant that I could find .

  19. 怡丰茶餐厅也是被沙巴旅游局推荐的一家茶餐厅,有不少的美食杂志也赞扬和刊登过这家店。

    Yee Fung Restaurant is one of the restaurants that is recommended by the Sabah tourism board , and also introduced in food and beverage magazines .

  20. 香港是一个拥有众多选择的真正的美食天堂。你可以选择在典雅的美芝莲星级餐厅或地道的茶餐厅用餐。

    Hong Kong is a truly dining heaven with a range of choices , be it dining in a Michelin star restaurant or local teahouse called Cha Can Ting .

  21. 虽然艾伦已经不直接参与密码分析工作了,但他目前仍然留在布莱切利,就跟他以前不值班时待在茶餐厅的状态差不多。

    Although he had dropped away from the direct cryptanalytic work , Alan remained within the Bletchley fold , and was to be seen in the cafeteria off duty .

  22. 绝对是广州的‘地下潮地’,还有许多的港式茶餐厅再加上中华广场食街,吃喝玩乐一条龙。

    Martyrs'Park : update mall under the ground , Hong Kong style canteens , Food Street at China Plaza * An entertainment place to have fun , eat and drinks .

  23. 港式茶餐厅的早餐包含有港式奶茶、咖啡、火腿、煎蛋、火腿通粉。

    In a Hong Kong cha chaan teng breakfasts might consist of Hong Kong-style milk tea , coffee , ham , and fried eggs , and a bowl of macaroni soup with ham .

  24. 在香港,烤肉搭配奶油浇汁曾是富人的专享,所以名为茶餐厅的快餐店为百姓阶层带来了那种调味酱食物。

    In Hong Kong , eating baked food and creamy sauces was once the privilege of the wealthy , so luncheonettes called cha chaan tengs brought a little of that b é chamel class to the masses .

  25. 工商业界的主管往往被奉为领袖的模范,但在跨国企业当主席所需的素质,与正在开展连锁茶餐厅业务的企业家所需的素质不一定相同。

    Captains of industry and enterprise are often held up as leadership role models but the leadership required of a multi-national chairman of the board may not be the same as that needed by an eager entrepreneur hoping to start a cha chaan teng franchise .

  26. 艾伦在这次访问中,还进行着一项更重要的交流。他每天下午在茶餐厅,能够遇到一位科学家兼哲学家型的工程师,英国的体制中很少有这样的人。

    But another significant interaction of his visit was the one he made every day at teatime in the cafeteria . Here he met a person who had been able to take the part of an academic , philosophical engineer , the role that Alan might have liked had the English system allowed for it .

  27. 茶时,餐厅的门轻轻地打开了,那里站着一只野兽。

    But as Maurice sipped his tea the dining-room door flew open , and there stood the Beast .

  28. 这茶只是皇朝中餐厅人均消费需1500英镑的菜单上的一部分,这份菜单是为那些对饮食挑剔的顾客准备的,堪称是英国最贵的一份菜单。

    The tea is part of a 1,500-per-head menu , surely the most expensive in the country , which the restaurant serves to its most demanding customers .