
chá shuì
  • tea tax
  1. 该条例给予东印度公司到北美殖民地销售积压茶叶的专利权,免缴高额的进口关税,只征收轻微的茶税。

    The legislation gives the East India Company tea to the North American colonies sales backlog of patent rights , exemption from import tariffs on high , only a small tea tax levy .

  2. 茶税研征&唐代税榷制下的茶政经济思想分析

    Tea Economy under the Levy System in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 除了在华盛顿,星期四还在美国各地举行了茶党的反税收集会。

    In addition to Washington , numerous Tea Party anti-tax rallies were held around the country Thursday .