
shàng huǒ
  • get angry;suffer from excessive internal heat;inflame;get inflamed
上火 [shàng huǒ]
  • (1) [get angry]∶生气,恼火

  • 你先别上火,听我慢慢说

  • (2) [inflame;suffer from excessive internal heat]∶中医指大便干燥或鼻腔粘膜、口腔粘膜等发炎

上火[shàng huǒ]
  1. 火龙果是寒性还是易上火的水果?

    Is firedrake fruit the fruit of cold sex or easy get angry ?

  2. 它会让身体上火嘛,我知道的。

    Lily : It would make the body get inflamed . I knew .

  3. 破坏罢工的嫌疑人,其房屋遭汽油弹炸毁,人被砍死或被套上火项链烧死。

    Alleged strike breakers had their houses petrol-bombed or were hacked to death or necklaced .

  4. 过去半年你一直在为压根儿和你无关的事情心急上火。

    You have spent the past six months working yourself up into a lather over situations which are really none of your business

  5. 听到他粗鲁的话,她真上火了。

    She was genuinely angered at his impolite words .

  6. 敢情这屋子都笼上火啦!

    Oh , there 's a fire in the room already !

  7. 这事真让人上火。

    This is really annoying .

  8. 这篇报道在推特上火了,上周六威廉王子的名字一度登上推特热搜,同时成为热门话题的还有网友对斯坦利·图齐落选的抱怨。

    The report caught traction on Twitter , and at one point on Saturday , Prince William 's name was trending on the platform , along with complaints that Stanley Tucci didn 't make the cut .

  9. 在这里,我在圣灵的最初的Lamp弄上火吗?

    Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit .

  10. 正当我努力思忖着一个恰到好处的让人上火的回复时,我打开了一位名叫斯蒂芬戈尔德(StephenGold)的退休律师的邮件。

    Just as I was trying to think of a suitably inflammatory reply , I opened a message from a retired lawyer called Stephen Gold .

  11. 大量冶炼COREX亡渣的堆积出无仅占用大量的土地,呈碱性的COREX渣还会通功渗漏而闭于地上火造败净化。

    Masses of alkaline COREX slag not only occupy great amounts of land , but also pollute the groundwater through leakage .

  12. 迈步登上火轮,到迷人的城市洛桑观光旅游。

    Hop on and travel to the charming city of Lausanne .

  13. 有限厚度碳化材料的垂直壁面向上火蔓延模型

    Modeling Upward Flame Spread on a Charring Material Surface With Limited Thickness

  14. 穿的多不多,会不会上火了?

    Wearing not much more , will be lit it ?

  15. 这无疑是在这场已有的冲突上火上浇油。

    That set off the new flare up of an old conflict .

  16. 我一听哪个漂亮姑娘跟人搞对象就上火。

    The news that some beautiful girl dates someone burns me up .

  17. 他是说你热气,上火,明白?

    He said you have pathogenic dryness , ok ?

  18. 根据以上火器伤特点,在临床救治中总结出相应的治疗原则。

    Corresponding treatment principles of gunshot wound were summarized based on those characters .

  19. 培根切丁,不粘锅里不放油,干炒,或上火烤到脆(别烤焦了,有毒哦)。

    Dry-fry bacon bits in a non-stick frying pan or grill until crisp .

  20. 他对这一延误着急上火。

    He was champing with rage at the delay .

  21. 我要去给自己点上火。

    I 'm going to go light myselfon fire .

  22. 口腔溃疡属中医口腔上火或口疮的范畴。

    In TCM oral ulcer belongs to aphtha .

  23. 而后我们盖上厚重的锅盖,点上火。

    You then cover it with a heavy top and light a fire below .

  24. 她在炉子里点上火,为了让炉子烧得快一点,她生炉子的时候用了一把麦草。

    To make it burn faster she lit it with a handful of straw .

  25. 当时并没有上火,心想,有机会再来照。

    Did not lit and thought , according to the opportunity to come back .

  26. 我上个星期上火还流鼻血了

    Last week I also lit the nosebleeds

  27. 铁加上火成为钢。

    Steel is iron plus fire .

  28. 我觉得很不错,现在九个月了,吃了也不会上火。

    I feel very good nine months now , and do not eat at the fire .

  29. 对“上火”的定义、分类,机理及奶粉的定义、品种进行了分析。

    The definition and mechanism and classification of " Shanghuo "( upper fever ) were conclused .

  30. 我嗓子发炎了,上火了。

    I got a sore throat .