
pán yáng
  • argali
盘羊 [pán yáng]
  • [argali] 一种大型的野羊( Ovis ammon ),具一对巨角,广泛分布亚洲中部和东北部的高山地区,可能并非家绵羊之直接祖先,有些权威认为某些亚种为脂尾绵羊的祖型

盘羊[pán yáng]
  1. 绵羊肺炎支原体(MO)是引起绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎的病原体,本研究采用常规细菌学方法及分子生物学方法,对石河子公园野生盘羊发生疑似传染性胸膜肺炎病例进行了病原学诊断。

    Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae ( MO ) is the pathogen caused the sheep infectious peripneumonitis , this study adopted conventional bacteriological methods and molecular biology methods to diagnose the etiologic of wild Argali of shihezi park that suspected infectious peripneumonitis Mycoplasma .

  2. 新疆盘羊(Ovisammon)分布可划分为三个阶段:10000~5000年前为石器时代分布,5000~50年前为历史分布,50年前至今为现代分布。

    Based on rock carving , historical records and field investigation , the distribution of argali ( Ovisammon ) can be divided into three stages , i. e. Stone Age ( 10000 ~ 5000 years ago ), 5000 ~ 50 years ago , and current distribution .

  3. 1990~1994年,结合国际狩猎场规划,对新疆6个代表区域盘羊Ovisammon种群作了专题研究。

    From 1990 to 1994 , special surveys of Argali Ovis ammon population were conducted in six representative areas of Xinjiang in combination with the planning of international hunting fields . Three subspecies & O. a.

  4. 新疆盘羊种群结构与资源现状

    The population structure and present resource status of Argali in Xinjiang

  5. 新疆盘羊电刺激采精和死精症治疗的研究

    A Study on Electro-ejaculation and Necrospermia Treatment of Xinjiang Argali

  6. 甘肃省国际盘羊狩猎场的管理与综合评估

    A comprehensive evaluation on management of three international hunting grounds for argali in Gansu

  7. 新疆盘羊分布非常广泛,从南边的昆仑&阿尔金山至最北的阿尔泰山,从东天山到准噶尔界山,甚至罗布泊和帕米尔都有分布。

    At present , argali is widespread in Xinjiang , even in Lop the and Pamirs .

  8. 人类的乱捕滥猎和经济开发是盘羊资源下降的原因。

    Poaching and human economic development are believed to be the reasons for this unfortunate decline .

  9. 甘肃盐池湾盘羊夏季食性日活动时间节律及社群行为的研究

    Foods , diurnal rhythms and social behaviour of argali during summer season at yanchiwan , gansu Province

  10. 盘羊的不同性别、年龄组之间的时间预算存在显著差异。

    There were significant differences between age-sex groups : male , female and yearling in their time budgets .

  11. 天山盘羊秋季集群习性和日活动节律初步观察

    Study on Herd Structure and Daytime Activity Rhythm of Argali ( Ovis ammon karelini ) in Autumn of Tianshan

  12. 角非常大的亚洲绵羊;有时被看作是盘羊的一个变种。

    Asiatic wild sheep with exceptionally large horns ; sometimes considered a variety of the argali ( or Ovis ammon ) .

  13. 7岁龄盘羊在治疗后,精子数量明显增多、活力明显增强,使母羊受精怀孕。

    Seven years old argali after treatment , sperm count increased significantly and activity was significantly enhanced , so that fertilization pregnant ewes .

  14. 这个国家公园里栖息着包括海狸、麋鹿、加拿大盘羊以及各种鸟类等动物。

    A wide variety of animals inhabit the park , including beaver , elk , and bighorn sheep , as well as many bird species .

  15. 本研究还对发病羊群进行健康盘羊鼻腔支原体的调查,结果表明:在调查的28只杂交盘羊中,有5只显示阳性。

    This study also to flock to health Argali ammon nasal mycoplasma investigation , the results showed : the investigation of the hybrid ovis ammon 28 hybrid Argali , five show positive .

  16. 甚至情操高尚的科学家尝试过用这一技术来拯救濒临灭绝的物种。在一些实验中他们得到了活的动物(野猫,野牛和欧洲盘羊)。

    Even , noble attempts to save endangered species from extinction by nuclear transfer have been tried , and in some cases resulted in live animals ( wild cats , gaur and mouflon sheep ) .

  17. 成功采集到了盘羊精液,精子活力、密度均较好,说明电刺激对盘羊的精液品质没有影响,是适合盘羊的一种采精方法。

    Successfully collected the argali semen , sperm motility and density were better , indicating that stimulation has no effect on semen quality of argali , electro-ejaculation is suitable method for argali semen collection . 2 .

  18. 这个国家公园包括150个湖泊和450英里河流以及从湿地到松林、从山丘到高山冻原等各种生态系统。这个国家公园里栖息着包括海狸、麋鹿、加拿大盘羊以及各种鸟类等动物。

    The park contains 150 lakes and 450 miles of streams , plus ecosystems ranging from wetlands to pine forests to montane areas to alpine tundra . A wide variety of animals inhabit the park , including beaver , elk , and bighorn sheep , as well as many bird species .