- argali

[argali] 一种大型的野羊( Ovis ammon ),具一对巨角,广泛分布亚洲中部和东北部的高山地区,可能并非家绵羊之直接祖先,有些权威认为某些亚种为脂尾绵羊的祖型
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae ( MO ) is the pathogen caused the sheep infectious peripneumonitis , this study adopted conventional bacteriological methods and molecular biology methods to diagnose the etiologic of wild Argali of shihezi park that suspected infectious peripneumonitis Mycoplasma .
Based on rock carving , historical records and field investigation , the distribution of argali ( Ovisammon ) can be divided into three stages , i. e. Stone Age ( 10000 ~ 5000 years ago ), 5000 ~ 50 years ago , and current distribution .
From 1990 to 1994 , special surveys of Argali Ovis ammon population were conducted in six representative areas of Xinjiang in combination with the planning of international hunting fields . Three subspecies & O. a.
The population structure and present resource status of Argali in Xinjiang
A Study on Electro-ejaculation and Necrospermia Treatment of Xinjiang Argali
A comprehensive evaluation on management of three international hunting grounds for argali in Gansu
At present , argali is widespread in Xinjiang , even in Lop the and Pamirs .
Poaching and human economic development are believed to be the reasons for this unfortunate decline .
Foods , diurnal rhythms and social behaviour of argali during summer season at yanchiwan , gansu Province
There were significant differences between age-sex groups : male , female and yearling in their time budgets .
Study on Herd Structure and Daytime Activity Rhythm of Argali ( Ovis ammon karelini ) in Autumn of Tianshan
Asiatic wild sheep with exceptionally large horns ; sometimes considered a variety of the argali ( or Ovis ammon ) .
Seven years old argali after treatment , sperm count increased significantly and activity was significantly enhanced , so that fertilization pregnant ewes .
A wide variety of animals inhabit the park , including beaver , elk , and bighorn sheep , as well as many bird species .
This study also to flock to health Argali ammon nasal mycoplasma investigation , the results showed : the investigation of the hybrid ovis ammon 28 hybrid Argali , five show positive .
Even , noble attempts to save endangered species from extinction by nuclear transfer have been tried , and in some cases resulted in live animals ( wild cats , gaur and mouflon sheep ) .
Successfully collected the argali semen , sperm motility and density were better , indicating that stimulation has no effect on semen quality of argali , electro-ejaculation is suitable method for argali semen collection . 2 .
The park contains 150 lakes and 450 miles of streams , plus ecosystems ranging from wetlands to pine forests to montane areas to alpine tundra . A wide variety of animals inhabit the park , including beaver , elk , and bighorn sheep , as well as many bird species .