
pán shān
  • Winding mountain;panshan mountain;wind up a mountain;meander up a mountain
盘山 [pán shān]
  • [around a mountain] 沿山盘绕

  • 盘山公路

  1. 乾隆皇帝法皇祖避暑山庄之例勒令兴建的静寄山庄,位于天津蓟县盘山南麓,是清代北京以外规模仅次于避暑山庄的第二大皇家行宫园林。

    Located outside Beijing , at the southern foot of Panshan Mountain in Jixian County , Jingji Mountain Resort was the greatest auxiliary palace garden in Qing Dynasty except Chengde Imperial Summer Resort .

  2. 盘山山是一个非常著名的景点在天津。

    Panshan Mountain is a very famous attraction in Tianjin .

  3. 卡车沿着盘山公路向上爬去。

    The trucks climbed the twisting mountain road .

  4. 这条公路盘山而上。

    The highway winds around the mountain .

  5. 盘山电厂600MW亚临界压力控制循环锅炉的设计

    Pressure ; Design of Panshan 600 MW Sub-critical Controlled Circulation Boiler

  6. 短路工况下轴系扭转疲劳寿命损耗分析天津盘山发电厂600MW汽轮发电机异常工况轴系扭转疲劳损耗研究

    Analysis on Fatigue Life Expenditure of Shaft System Torsional Vibration under Short-circuit Working Condition

  7. 盘山电厂600MW机组主蒸汽压力控制分析台山发电厂600MW机组选型探讨

    Analysis of Main Steam Pressure Control of 600 MW Generating Unit in Panshan Power Plant

  8. 曲折的盘山公路,会将人带到高山湖泊中禅寺湖(Chuzenji)和落差很大的华严瀑布(Kegonwaterfall)。

    A corkscrew of a road leads up to the alpine Lake Chuzenji and the high Kegon waterfall ;

  9. 介绍天津盘山发电厂将要安装的国产600MW汽轮发电机在异常工况下轴系的疲劳损耗研究情况。

    This paper is intend to demonstrate some mehtod used in the evaluation of the fatigue life expenditure of the 600 MW turbine generator shafts under abnormal operation .

  10. 电磁阵列剖面法在六盘山盆地的应用效果

    The application results of electro-magnetic array profiling in Liupan Mountain basin

  11. 深圳市梧桐山盘山公路改造设计

    Design of Wutong Mountain Winding Mountain Highway Transformation in Shenzhen City

  12. 六盘山生态旅游区发展研究

    Study on the development of Ningxia Liupan Mountain 's ecological tourism

  13. 一辆满载乘客的长途客车行驰在盘山公路上。

    A bus full of passengers was traveling on hilly road .

  14. 六盘山森林植被的数量分类

    Numerical classification for the forest vegetation of the Liupan Mountain

  15. 多层次灰色系统理论评价六盘山引水工程方案

    Evaluating liu-pan mountain diversion project by multi-level grey system theory

  16. 盘山地区水稻机械化育插秧技术的应用

    Application of Mechanized Cultivating and Transplanting of Rice Seedlings in Panshan Area

  17. 六盘山公路隧道烟气模拟研究

    Simulation study on smoke in highway tunnel of Liupan Mountain

  18. 盘山公路的曲率和挠率

    The Curvature and Torsion of Curve of Winding Mountain Roads

  19. 公共汽车正盘山蜿蜒而上。

    The bus is winding its way up the mountain .

  20. 六盘山白垩纪盆地是六盘山内陆叠合盆地的一个单型盆地。

    Liupanshan Cretaceous basin is a mono-basin of Liupanshan inland overlapping basin .

  21. 六盘山不同森林群落地被物的持水特性

    Water Holding Characteristics of the Forest Floor in Liupan Mountain

  22. 盘山矿泉水成因及开发条件

    Genesis of drinking mineral water in Panshan area and the condition for development

  23. 宁夏六盘山自然保护区金钱豹资源初步调查

    An Investigation of Leopards in Liupan Mountain Nature Reserve

  24. 而盘山闸的设计泄流能力仅为3000m3/s。

    But the design discharge capacity of Panshan sluice is 3000 m3 / s.

  25. 六盘山4种类型森林群落天然更新初探

    Regeneration of Four Types Forest Communities in Liupan Mountains

  26. 利用树木年轮重建六盘山地区1900年以来的干湿变化

    Reconstruction of humidity changes from tree rings in Liupan Mountains area since 1900

  27. 宁夏六盘山10种木本植物抗旱性研究

    Drought resistance of ten woody plants in Liupan Mountain

  28. 六盘山地区过湿土路基压实控制指标研究

    Study on Compaction Control Indices of Overwet Soil Roadbed in Liupan Mountain Area

  29. 盘山闸扩建工程水工模型试验研究

    Hydraulic model test of extension project of Panshan sluice

  30. 大唐盘山电厂供水自动监控系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application on Feedwater Automatic Monitoring System in Datang Panshan Power Plant