- 网络Stratified sampling;Stratified Random Sampling

The author shares and etfs fund for two of the asset pool choose spot combination , respectively by a complete copy method , market capitalization weight method , the stratified sampling method and tracking error method to calculate the minimum combination weights .
Stratified Sampling for Quality Inspection
Methods A two-stage cluster sampling with probability proportional to size ( PPS ) was conducted .
Method : 541 fresh university students selected randomly were tested by China Psychosomatic Health Scale , the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ), the Defensive Style Questionnaire ( DSQ ) and the Life Events Scale ( LES ) during their registration .
Application of stratified ratio estimation in statistics of lab sewage quantity
An improved stratified sampling Monte-Carlo method to analyze the reliability of structural systems
Dissertate the method of mathematics and the step to setup the standard plot .
Application of Stratified Sampling Method to the Monitoring of Soi and Water Erosion in the Land Conversion to Forest Program
Method 810 students were investigated with Parental control questionnaire which was developed for the first time and Parent-Adolescent Cohesion questionnaire by group sampling .
Application on spraying concrete with vegetation effect in railway slope defending system Appling Streaming Sampling Technique in Monitoring Soil and Water Loss on Railway Slope
Stratified sampling method , from a polytechnic school in Qingdao test samples were 850 , 809 valid questionnaires were valid for the 95.18 percent response rate .
Adopting the method of sampling and dividing data into several layers , we can get sample averages . Does that make variations ? Taking cost into account , we use Dai-Ming method to decide the layers of sampling to dispose data .
The marking value should be actual rate by the unit area , it can estimate by method with dual layering and sampling of the general average number , and layering factor as landform and forest site during the survey for total harvesting rate of setting sample plot .
The authors take the students of Gansu Lianhe University as objects of study , using stratified random sampling method taking samples of1000 .
With the stratified random sampling , repeated surveys were twice used to evaluate the hospital image , the service quality and advertising results .
Methods Different high risk sites were selected by stratified random sampling , and uniform questionnaires about health and other factors of the FSWs were filled .
Methods A total of 7,881 urban residents from Guangxi Province were enumerated using the multistage and stratified random sampling method . Questionnaire and physical exam were performed in the sampling population .
Methods : Using stratified sampling method to determine the survey places , The schistosomiasis in people and livestock were surveyed by the methods of nylon bag incubation and top - tube incubation .
According to the point of systematic risk control , the optimal tracking portfolio was constructed . A comparison was made among index funds constructed by stratified sampling replication , full one and optimized one .
The residents living in Shandong coast were investigated by random layer sampling method for the prevalence of Hashimoto ′ s thyroiditis ( HT ) and their urinary iodine level was determined .
Methods A stratified multi-stage cluster random sampling method was used .
Via proportional ( 25 % ) stratify sampling , 515 students from various healthcare majors were sampled and tested .
Methods A total of 6665 subjects aged 15 and over in urban and rural areas were selected with stratified and cluster sampling .
Methods According to national unified plan , with stratified cluster sampling method , 30 spots in 10 counties ( cities ) were investigated and 500 persons were selected in each spot .
By the method of random and layered sampling , the authors explored whether the soft-and hard-ware for physical education in primary schools in Jiangsu are good enough to carry out the new curriculum criterion .
Method : the reading literature , investigation of hierarchical randomization and consultation methods were used to investigate and analyze foot layer health care institutions in 3 provinces , 9 towns , 27 rural areas , and make a feasible demonstration .
At the same time it was analyzed how to stratify the stratums and define the optimal samples by the stratified random sampling in the study of street tree populations , and some formulas were introduced for calculating the parameters of the urban street tree populations .
Methods Cross-sectional study and randomly sampling were used . Blood was collected on tip of finger and the level of hemoglobin was measured using B-Hemoglobin photometer .
Methods Through Rutter 's children Behavioral parents ' scale , DR and relative factors checklists , 2280 children from 6 to 11 years old were collected to compare BP test rate and relative factors of children with DR and without DR.
Methods An epidemiological survey was carried out house by house according to stratified random varied proportion sampling , nine villages of three towns were chosen .