
  • 网络BLACK DIAMOND;carbonado
  1. 该图书馆自1999年以来就采用引人注目的黑色玻璃外墙,因此获得了“黑钻石”的美誉。

    Since 1999 , the library has occupied an impressive glass building known as the Black Diamond .

  2. 镀金袖喷金属银,黑钻石及石灰缎格水晶和金属搭配,压花皮革牛犊。

    Gold-plated cuff with Jet Metallic Silver , Black Diamond and Lime Satin Crystal Mesh and metallic taupe , embossed calfskin leather .

  3. 稍次些的则由细小的晶体群组成,称为“圆粒钻石”和“黑钻石”。

    Less perfect forms , known as " boart " and " carbonado ", are clusters of tiny crystals .

  4. 走道上装饰有400颗1克拉的钻石、75颗3克拉的白钻石和75颗3克拉的黑钻石。

    The runway is adorned with 400 one carat diamonds , 75 three carat white diamonds and 75 three carat black diamonds 。

  5. 蛋糕上总共有15颗5克拉的白钻石、76颗2克拉的黑钻石和62颗2克拉的白钻石。

    In total there are 15 five carat white diamonds , 76 two carat black diamonds and 62 two carat white diamonds 。