
  • 网络head office;corporate headquarters;headquarters;Home office;headquarter
  1. 公司总部给我制定了每月目标。

    I have monthly targets set by head office .

  2. 玛丽被调到了市中心的公司总部。

    Mary was transferred to the head office downtown .

  3. 公司总部设在伦敦。

    The firm 's headquarters is / are in London .

  4. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡。

    They decided to base the new company in York .

  5. 有几家公司总部设在这个地区。

    Several companies have their headquarters in the area .

  6. 公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。

    The company has its base in New York , and branch offices all over the world .

  7. 这家新公司总部在德国。

    The infant company was based in Germany .

  8. 公司总部设在芝加哥。

    The company is headquartered in Chicago .

  9. 比泽先生承诺仍将公司总部设在匹兹堡,以求平息抗议。

    Mr Beazer tried to calm the protests by promising to keep the company 's base in Pittsburgh .

  10. 在2011年的一项研究中,她调查了实施“以成果为宗旨的工作环境”(ROWE)计划对百思买公司总部员工的生产力和福利的影响。

    In a 2011 study , she investigated the effects of implementing a Results Only Work Environment ( ROWE ) on the productivity and well-being of employees at Best Buy 's corporate headquarters .

  11. 您可能是一位PHP程序员,需要为部门Web应用程序编写代码,以便访问公司总部以Web服务方式提供的服务。

    You may be a PHP programmer who needs to write code for a departmental Web application to access a central corporate service , exposed as a Web service .

  12. 而公司总部作为N公司的核心力量与各项工作的推动者,成为完成N公司战略目标的关键力量。

    Corporate headquarters as a force at the core of the company and the promoters of the work , to become the key force to complete the N company strategic objectives .

  13. 这对我们来说是一个巨大的机会,新百伦(NewBalance)全球品牌保护事务负责人丹尼尔·麦金农(DanielMcKinnon)说。这家运动鞋公司总部位于波士顿。

    There is a massive opportunity for us , said Daniel McKinnon , head of global brand protection at New Balance , the Boston-based sneaker company .

  14. 该公司总部设在福建省,于2006年4月被上述银团(包括另一家新加坡私人股本基金)通过管理层收购(MBO)收入囊中。

    Based in Fujian province , it was acquired by the consortium which includes another Singaporean private equity fund in a management buy-out in April 2006 .

  15. Rackspace公司总部的旧楼曾人满为患。

    THE old Rackspace headquarters was stuffed to the gills .

  16. 美国漫画出版商阿奇漫画(ArchieComics)的联席首席执行官南希•西尔伯克莱特上个月收到了一张法院的禁止令,禁止她再进入公司总部。

    Archie comics co-CEO Nancy silberkleit got slapped with a restraining order last month , keeping her from entering the corporate headquarters .

  17. 每当吉姆•罗杰斯(JimRogers)缺乏灵感的时候,这位杜克能源(DukeEnergy)的首席执行官就会转身面对自己办公桌后面的巨幅油画。他的办公室就在位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的公司总部。

    Whenever Jim Rogers is lacking inspiration , the chief executive of Duke Energy can turn to the large painting behind his office desk in the company 's headquarters in Charlotte , North Carolina .

  18. 伍尔沃斯(Woolworths)、克莱斯勒、联合利华、卜内门(ICI)建的公司总部无不是显露财富,夸耀持久。

    Woolworths , Chrysler , Unilever and ICI built head offices that were testimonies to their wealth and permanence .

  19. 韦氏公司总部位于马萨诸塞州。总裁约翰•莫斯称,今年“bailout”一词在与总统选举和财政政策有关的讨论中“频频出现,所以当选年度词汇并不意外。

    John Morse , publisher of Merriam-Webster Inc. , said this was not surprising given that the word ubiquitously featured in discussions of the presidency and fiscal policy .

  20. 她跟铁杆桥牌迷巴菲特在纽约一个桥牌比赛上短暂见面,随后身为伯克希尔•哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)首席执行长的巴菲特邀请奥斯伯格去奥马哈市(Omaha)的公司总部做客。

    She had briefly met Warren Buffett , an avid amateur , at a game in New York City , and the Berkshire Hathaway CEO had invited her to his Omaha headquarters .

  21. 于是,全球CEO(通常被理解为来自公司总部所在国以外国家或有相当一部分职业生涯在海外度过的CEO)的概念便有理可循了。

    The idea of the " Global CEO " usually understood as chief executives who either come from a country other than where their company is headquartered , or have spent a considerable amount of their careers working " overseas " makes sense .

  22. 三十年前,史蒂芬·乔布斯在弗林特演艺中心(位于库比蒂诺的苹果公司总部附近)展示Macintosh电脑;

    Thirty years ago Steve Jobs commanded the stage at the Flint Centre for the Performing Arts near Apple 's headquarters in Cupertino to show off the new Macintosh computer .

  23. 公司总部迁至孟菲斯后,该公司2006年花费52000美元为首席执行长约翰•法拉奇(JohnV.Faraci)安装了住宅保安系统。

    They include International Paper Co. , whose directors spent $ 52,000 in2006 to install a home-security system for CEO John V.Faraci after the company 's headquarters moved to Memphis , Tenn.

  24. 全球最大零售商沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的首席执行官李•斯科特(LeeScott)正在重新拾起他所谓的细节。最近,这表现为他在沃尔玛位于阿肯色州本顿维尔低调的公司总部里坐下来尝派。

    Lee Scott , chief executive of Wal-Mart , is returning to what he calls the details . Recently , that meant sitting down to sample pies at the unassuming corporate headquarters of the world 's largest retailer in Bentonville , Arkansas .

  25. 进而,笔者分析了北京CBD内产业分布的总体现状以及文化传媒业、国际金融业以及跨国公司总部的集群情况。

    Then , the author investigated the status quo of the industries distribution in the CBD and the situation of the present industrial cluster , including media industry 、 international finance industry as well as the multinational corporations ' location .

  26. 上周,一些网民来到深圳腾讯公司总部呈交诉状,控告该公司没能充分保护他们的账号安全,致使他们的QQ秀头像、服装以及配饰被偷。

    Last week , several netizens went to Tencent ` s headquarters in Shenzhen to file a complaint , accusing the company of not adequately protecting their accounts . They ` d had their QQ Show avatar , clothes and accessories stolen .

  27. 美国国际集团首席执行官爱德华李迪(edliddy)此前曾暗示,友邦保险会在其地区性市场的心脏地带香港上市,而不是在母公司总部所在的纽约。

    Ed Liddy , AIG chief executive , previously signalled that a listing of AIA would happen in Hong Kong , in the heart of its regional markets , and not in New York where the parent company is based .

  28. 证明了这种中可以看出奥迪A6轿车(我们肯定奥迪的律师正在追踪这个太),最近被发现测试莲花附近的公司总部设在诺福克,英格兰。

    Proof of such can be seen in the A6 Coupe ( we 're sure Audi 's lawyers are keeping tabs on this one too ), which has recently been spotted testing near Lotus'corporate headquarters in Norfolk , England .

  29. Walgreens公司总部位于伊利诺依州迪尔菲尔德,其发言人迈克尔·波尔青(MichaelPolzin)说,尽管规模很大,这家公司仍然有一股“创业精神”,比如有药剂师负责注射流感疫苗的项目,以及补开处方药的免费手机应用程序等。

    Despite its size , says Michael Polzin , a spokesman for Deerfield , Ill . - based Walgreens , the company has an ' entrepreneurial spirit , ' with initiatives like pharmacist-administered flu shots and free mobile apps for refilling prescriptions .

  30. “外联网”项目将使用数据广播技术,让这些卫星向地球地面站持续释放无线网络信号。MDIF公司总部在纽约,他们表示将利用这些卫星向世界各地广播网络信号。

    Using something known as datacasting technology , which involves sending data over wide radio waves , the New York-based company says they 'll be able to broadcast the Internet around the world .