
  • 网络Line managers;front-line managers;First Line Managers;junior management;supervisor
  1. 迄今为止,对基层管理人员的胜任力模型的研究不是很多。

    So far , the researches on competency model of grass-root managers are not many .

  2. 员工管理是最重要的业务流程,也是基层管理人员的管理职责之一。

    Hands on management of people is a key business process and therefore a line management responsibility .

  3. 企业主管在任命和提拔基层管理人员时,是否也应效仿商学院的这种做法?

    Should corporate directors take a leaf out of this business school book when appointing and promoting the most junior managers ?

  4. 楼层主管是Y公司的基层管理人员,楼层主管队伍是Y公司管理团队里面一支重要的队伍。

    The floor supervisor is the basic manager of company Y , an important team in the management team in Y Company .

  5. 第三章分析了联合利华在华业务中绩效考核存在的严重问题,并指出了对最高层和基层管理人员绩效考核存在的问题尤为严重,并提出了解决这些问题的方法。

    Chapter 3 analyzing the existing severe issues of Unilever 's business in China in respect of performance appraisal , pointing out the solutions to the issues .

  6. 随着清初大量外省移民进入四川,客长这一具有移民社会特质的地方基层管理人员便在四川城乡各地出现。

    When immigrants poured into Sichuan at the beginning of Qing dynasty , there came about a local management personnel called guest-chief in towns and rural areas of Sichuan .

  7. 随着校校通工程的实施,各中小学校园网的建成,对教育领域最基层管理人员的专业能力与素养的培养被逐渐引起重视。

    With the application of school to school project and the construction of many elementary and middle school nets , the development of the school nets managers ′ subject ability and literacy is paid great attention gradually .

  8. 第5章针对知识经济下国有企业的特点,为国企各类知识型员工(基层管理人员、专业技术人员、销售人员、高级经理人员)设计了操作性极强的薪酬模式。

    Chapter 5 according to the characteristics of the state-owned enterprises , designs the operable salary modes for the knowledge-typed employees ( basic level management personnel , professional and technical personnel , sales personnel , top management personnel ) .

  9. 在应用专家咨询法对指标进行筛选时,很多专家都是艾滋病行为干预项目的基层管理人员,保证了专家所选指标的可操作性。

    When we use the Delphi method , most of the experts are the management persons who work in the basic level of the AIDS ' prevention and treatment , and they can make sure that the chosen indexes are all has the ability of operability .

  10. 缺少基层管理人员和专业指导员的指导,造成一部分人群处于盲目锻炼的状态。5、西安市全民健身路径基层管理现状模糊,社会指导员队伍薄弱,在一定程度上不能满足锻炼者的需求。

    Lack of basic management and guidance of professional instructors so that some people are blind exercise of state . 5 , the path of Fitness Management of primary fuzzy , social Instructors weak , to a certain extent , those who can not meet the training needs .

  11. 可以保证新进揽投人员具备较高的岗位适应度,既能提高揽投队伍的整体工作效率,也为今后提拔、选用基层管理人员做好储备,为M快递公司业务长远发展打好基础。

    Through ensuring a higher fitness for new delivery staff , we can not only raise the overall efficiency of the delivery team , but also do reserve for the choice of delivery managers and lay the foundation for long-term development of the services in M express compay .

  12. 论述了医院信息管理的人员结构,就医院信息总监(CIO)和中、基层信息管理人员的素质、职能等进行了探讨。

    It also discusses the quality and function of the chief information officer ( CIO ) and the information administrative staff of the basic and middle level .

  13. 高校基层教学管理人员实行岗位轮换的必要性

    The Necessity to Implement Job Rotation for the Grass-roots Teaching Administrative Personnel in College

  14. 浅议高校基层教学管理人员素质的培养与提高

    Brief Discussion on the Cultivation and Improvement of the Quality of the Primary Teaching Management Staff in University

  15. 这让分析师转向谷歌地球(GoogleEarth)跟踪油轮的航行,并在中国各地采访基层石油行业管理人员。

    That has led analysts to turn to Google Earth to track the movements of oil tankers and to travel across China meeting with low-level oil industry officials .

  16. 配备基层扫盲教育管理人员,加强扫盲管理人员和教师培训,面向社会招聘有经验的扫盲教学志愿者。

    Equipped with basic literacy education management , strengthen the management and training of literacy , for the community to recruit experienced teaching literacy volunteers .

  17. 对近些年来在人工防雹作业中37高炮造成的事故进行了分析,找出了主要原因并提出避免措施,供基层炮手及管理人员借鉴

    The main cause of the archibald ′ s breakdown in hail suppression by artificial means in recent years is analyzed for artillerymen and administrator to take the measures to avoid accident

  18. 包括基层员工、中层管理人员、甚至高管层的离职率都在逐年攀升。

    The quit rate of line workers , middle managers and even top managers is increasing .

  19. 中层管理人员是指处于高层管理人员和基层员工之间的管理人员,其主要职责是,贯彻执行高层管理人员所制定的重大决策,监督和协调基层员工的工作,处于承上启下的位置。

    Middle management is at the top management and between management-level employees , whose main duty is to implement the senior management developed by the major decision-making , supervision and coordination of the grassroots work of its staff in the role of linking position .

  20. 加强基层教学档案建设,需要领导的重视和支持,需要基层教学管理人员强化档案意识,做好平时文件材料的收集、形成、整理和归档利用工作。

    The further construction of the management of the archives require the support of the leaders as well as great attention paid by teaching administration staff , who should be responsible for the collection , drafting , classification and filing of the documents .