
gōng qǐng
  • hectare;ha
公顷 [gōng qǐng]
  • [hectare] 百公亩。公制地积单位,一公顷等于一万平方米,合十五市亩

公顷[gōng qǐng]
  1. 1公顷合15市亩。

    A hectare is equal to 15 mu .

  2. 公顷产糖15t甘蔗栽培技术探讨

    Sugarcane cultivation practice for the sugar yield of 10 tons per hectare

  3. 玻利维亚政府批准了在2200万公顷土地上的伐木特许权。

    The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares .

  4. 每年都有几千公顷的森林遭到破坏。

    Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year .

  5. 1970年,法国农场的平均规模为19公顷。

    In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares

  6. 他有将近1,000公顷的草场和耕地。

    He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land .

  7. 新纪录意味着一亩地可以养活5个人(相当于一公顷地养活75个人)。

    The fresh record means a 1-hectare hybrid rice field can feed as many as 75 people .

  8. 调查数据显示:我国林地面积从2009年的25395万公顷增加到现在的28412万公顷。

    Forest area in China surged from 253.95 million hectares in 2009 to the current 284.12 million hectares .

  9. 在此期间,耕地面积出现轻微下降,由2009年的13538万公顷减少到现在的12786万公顷。

    During the period , farmland area witnessed a slight drop from 135.38 million hectares to 127.86 million hectares .

  10. 大约有5000只考拉死亡,大火烧毁了该州500多万公顷林地,影响了近四分之一的考拉栖息地。

    About 5000 are thought to have died , and the blazes that scorched4 more than 5 million hectares state-wide affected5 almost a quarter of koala habitats .

  11. 国家林草局表示,过去五年,我国新增湿地面积20.26万公顷,湿地保护率达到50%以上,为净化水质、保护生态环境发挥了显著作用。

    Wetlands in China have expanded steadily Administration said . Nearly half of the country 's wetlands are protected by some level of government , said the administration .

  12. 第三次全国国土调查数据显示,我国现有湿地2346万公顷,其中,红树林地2.71万公顷。

    China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands , of which mangrove forests account for 27100 , according to the third national land resource survey .

  13. 耕地面积减少不会对我国的粮食安全带来任何影响,因为现有耕地面积已超出了此前设定的12400万公顷耕地保有量目标。

    The decline of farmland will not bring any effect to the country 's food security , as the current area of farmland is safely above the 124-million-hectare line set for cultivated land .

  14. “如果我们在面包和意大利面食中使用10%的海藻,而不是小麦,就能省下100万公顷的土地,消除所有与之相关的二氧化碳排放,同时,还能减少宝贵的淡水资源短缺的压力。”

    If we used ten per cent of seaweed instead of wheat in breads and pastas , we ’ ve eliminated a million hectares of land , we ’ ve eliminated all of the carbon dioxide emissions5 associated with that , and we ’ ve also reduced the pressures on very precious fresh water .

  15. 在一个典型案件中,原本划给澳门科技大学(macauuniversityofscienceandtechnology)的11.3公顷的土地被转给了一家赌场开发商。

    In one typical case , a 11.3-hectare site originally granted to the Macau University of science and technology was given to a casino developer .

  16. 根据一份全国农民联盟(NationalFarmersUnion)对来自1.6万公顷种植地的76名谷种植者所作的调查显示,今年英国的小麦种植少了将近30%。

    According to a National Farmers Unionpoll of 76 cereal growers covering 16000 hectares , nearly 30 % less wheat than usual is being grown in Britain this year .

  17. 此次收购将对APP形成有力推动,该公司目前拥有28.7万公顷林地的采伐许可权。

    The purchase would have been a significant boost for APP , which now has logging concessions over about 287,000 hectares of forest .

  18. 其中我们一直关注的最大的是我们所说的stationfire,发生在洛杉矶县,一夜之间,火烧的范围从5000公顷扩大到20000公顷。

    The biggest one we were is what they are as the station fire . That 's in LA County . It has ballooned overnight from a 5000-acre fire to a 20000-acre fire .

  19. 我国被Hg污染的耕地面积有3.2×104公顷,每年产生污染环境的Hg达1.9×108kg。

    It is reported that about 32 thousand hectares of arable land in China have been polluted by mercury being generated by 1.9 × 108 kilograms per year .

  20. 拌种最佳剂量为50kg麦种200g,喷施的最佳时期和最佳剂量分为分蘖期,每公顷300g。

    The optimum stage and dosage of spraying is 300g every ha .

  21. 亚洲企业正掀起一股投资西非农业的浪潮,最新这笔交易来自新加坡上市企业金光农业资源(GoldenAgri-Resources)。该公司表示,正积极评估参股一个22万公顷的项目。

    In the latest of a wave of proposed Asian agricultural investments in west Africa , Singapore-listed Golden Agri Resources said it was actively evaluating taking a share in a 220,000 - hectare project .

  22. 桉树(Eucalyptusspp)作为我国南方速生丰产林的主要树种,截止到2011年,面积已达365万公顷。

    Eucalyptus ( Eucalypt us spp ) as south China main fast-grown forest tree species , until 2011 , the area has reached 365 million hectares .

  23. Ibrahim说,每年每公顷土地产出的麻疯树油和甘油价值将近2000美元。

    Each hectare could yield jatropha oil and glycerin worth nearly US $ 2,000 a year , says Ibrahim .

  24. 这块用砂石和花岗岩碎块制作的0.8公顷模拟月球表面,让工程师们可以为了美国太空总署(NASA)重返月球的计划而对各种系统和概念进行测试。

    The2-acre ( 0.8-hectare ) mock moon surface , made of sand and crushed granite , allows engineers to test systems and concepts as they prepare for NASA 's return to the moon .

  25. S肥和Zn肥的试验则表明:在施用等量N,P,K肥条件下,每公顷施用30kgS肥比不施S肥处理,产量增加153kg,增产率为2.13%;

    The sulphur fertilization and zine fertilization experiment showed : when N , P , K , fertilizer application were the same , the sulphur application of 30kg / hm 2 could increased yield by 153g / hm 2 , with yield increase ranging 2.13 % ;

  26. 圣加布里埃尔山脉(SanGabrielMountains)成为美国国家纪念园以后,欧巴马总统宣布的受保护区域已达1.5亿公顷的陆地和水域,超过了自文物法生效以来任何其他总统宣布的受保护面积。

    With his designation of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument , Obama has protected more than 105 million hectares of land and water , more than any other president since the Antiquities Act became law in 1906 .

  27. 这就是彼得(peter)在向我解释他为何只开垦了一半的土地的原因,8年前在因火山爆发他被迫撤离家园后,巴布亚新几内亚政府分给了他3公顷土地。

    This was how Peter explained to me why he had only cultivated half of the 3 ha block the Papua New Guinean government had given him after he was evacuated from his home during a volcanic eruption eight years earlier .

  28. 在essequibo的土地每公顷才仅仅37美分。

    Its land in Essequibo costs a mere 37 cents a hectare .

  29. 公顷产9000kg小麦氮素吸收分配的研究

    Studies on Uptake and Distribution of Nitrogen in Wheat at the Level of 9000 kg Per Hectare

  30. 多穗型小麦品种公顷产9000kg主要技术指标及关键技术

    Main Technical Indices and Key Technique of Multi-spike Type of Wheat at 9000 kg / hm ~ 2