
  • 网络fdic;federal deposit insurance corporation
  1. 本文作者分别是美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)主席和英国央行负责金融稳定事务的副行长

    The writers are chairman of the FDIC and deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England , respectively

  2. 美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的保险为这项方兴未艾的服务开启了成长空间——没有联邦保险的支持,人们会感到不安或受限。

    The FDIC insurance opens up areas of growth for the fledgling service - people who were uneasy or limited without the federal backing .

  3. 这些存单由美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)提供保险,按照相应国家的通行利率支付利息。

    The CDs are FDIC-insured and pay interest based on the rates prevailing in each relevant country .

  4. 上周四,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)宣布,银行业利润创近五年新高。

    On Thursday , the FDIC said that bank profits were the highest they have been in nearly five years .

  5. 例如,一个正在讨论的观点是,美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)应该帮助陷入困境的银行将一批资产证券化。

    One concept being mooted , for example , is that the FDIC should help troubled banks securitise a swathe of assets .

  6. 美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)正在制定计划,将破产银行的数十亿美元资产打包成证券出售,此举将有助于重启依然运转失常的抵押贷款支持债券(mortgage-backedbonds)市场。

    The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is working on plans to package billions of dollars of assets from failed banks into securities , a move that will help restart the still dysfunctional markets for mortgage-backed bonds .

  7. 表面看上去,最近取得了一些进展美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)公布了清算大型金融机构的计划,方式与处理小银行破产一样迅速、冷酷和有效。

    On the face of it , this week marked some progress , with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the US publishing its plans to be able to liquidate large financial institutions in the same way that it deals with small bank failures swiftly , ruthlessly and effectively .

  8. 美国联邦存款保险公司称,有倒闭危险的银行数量已经下降到了732家。

    The number of banks that the FDIC says are in jeopardy of failing dropped to 732 .

  9. 是指负责对银行提供存款保险的一种基金,隶属美国联邦存款保险公司。

    A unit of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) that provides deposit insurance for banks excluding thrifts .

  10. 这种状况就好像这些国家的主权债券出现银行挤兑,而欧洲央行则担任着美国联邦存款保险公司的角色。

    The situation is somewhat analogous to a bank run on the sovereign bonds of these countries , with the ECB acting as the FDIC .

  11. 提供银行存款保险的美国联邦存款保险公司董事长谢拉?贝尔蝉联亚军,她于去年首次入选该榜。

    Sheila Bair , chair of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. , which insures bank deposits , retained the No.2 spot after debuting on the Forbes list last year .

  12. 这些权力将帮助美国联邦存款保险公司更好地处理复杂金融机构的有序破产。政策制定者希望,这将减轻政府近来纾困行动所引发的道德风险。

    These powers will extend its capacity to manage the orderly failure of a complex financial firm , which policymakers hope will mitigate the moral hazard created by recent bail-outs .

  13. 不过,美国联邦存款保险公司的官员们表示,利润同比增长的一大原因是银行减少了应对未来贷款损失的拨备计提,并非来自实际业务的改善。

    Still , FDIC officials said much of the profit boost from a year ago came from banks putting less money aside for future loan losses , and not from an improvement in their actual business .

  14. 潘迪特:如果你看一下由美国联邦存款保险公司、联邦储备系统和财政部共同发布的公告,它是有关花旗集团的,也是有关很多其他事情的。

    Vikram Pandit : When you look at the announcement that came out - and it was a joint announcement by the FDIC , the Federal Reserve and the Treasury - it takes about Citi , but it also talks about a lot of different things .

  15. 在美国,联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)为特定的优先级银行贷款提供担保,作为对Tarp投资的补充。

    The US Tarp investments were supplemented by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guarantees on certain , senior bank borrowings .

  16. 1998年6月美国联邦储备存款保险公司发布《电子银行&安全和健全检查程序》的报告,这份报告对开展电子货币业务的银行规定了详细的检查标准和程序。

    June 1998 , Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation released 《 e-banking - the safety and soundness examination procedures 》, the report on the conduct of electronic currency banks provided detailed standards and procedures .

  17. 美国财政部、美国联邦存款保险公司和美联储均拒绝置评。

    The US Treasury , the FDIC and the Fed declined to comment .

  18. 甚至连处置美国银行十分高效的美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic),在处理国际敞口问题上也经验有限。

    Even the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , feverishly efficient at resolving US banks , has limited experience dealing with international exposure .

  19. 1933年美国国会通过《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》,建立了美国联邦存款保险公司,从而开创了世界现代银行存款保险制度的新纪元。

    In 1933 , a law of " Glass-SteagallAct " had been passed by America Parliament . According to the law , Financial Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) was established in that year , which opened a new epoch of deposit insurance system across the world .

  20. 美国单独清算某家大型全球银行的风险在于,它将导致更广泛的金融体系产生极大混乱,连美国联邦存款保险公司都会退缩。

    The risk with a US-only liquidation of a large global bank is that it would cause so much chaos to the wider financial system that even the FDIC would balk .