
  • 网络Consumer Product Safety Commission;U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission;CPSC-Consumer Product Safety Commission
  1. 美国消费品安全委员会(USConsumerProductSafetyCommission)也就这个问题发出了警告。自上月发布以来,已有逾30部Note7突然起火。

    The US Consumer Product Safety Commission also issued a warning after three dozen of the phones burst into flames since their release last month .

  2. 参与合作的政府机构美国消费品安全委员会(ConsumerProductSafetyCommission)表示,将向阿里巴巴提供被召回产品名录,而阿里巴巴则表示将确保不面向美国的企业或个人销售相关产品。

    The agency , the Consumer Product Safety Commission , said it would provide Alibaba lists of recalled items , and in turn , Alibaba said it would ensure that those products were not for sale to companies or individuals in America .

  3. 法哈德:最后,本周最大的科技新闻之一事关韩国技术巨头三星,在美国消费品安全委员会周四发布正式的召回令后,三星的GalaxyNote7智能手机进一步陷入声名狼藉的深渊。

    Farhad : Finally , one of the biggest tech stories this week is about the Korean tech giant Samsung , whose Galaxy Note 7 smartphone descended further into infamy when the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a formal recall on Thursday .

  4. 美国消费品安全委员会表示,有55起事件造成了财产损失。

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission says in 55 cases there was property damage .

  5. 美国消费品安全委员会有权批准自行车头盔产品上市,他们使用的是这样的测试方法。

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission has been given jurisdiction to approve any bike helmet for sale , and this is the test they use .

  6. 宜家表示,其一直都在与美国消费品安全委员会保持“密切联系”,以实施产品召回并进行危害赔偿。

    Ikea said it 's been in " close contact " with the Consumer Product Safety Commission , which helps carry out recalls , about how to remedy the hazard .