
  1. 《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP500)没有对欺诈问题作出规定。

    The fraud rule does not appear in UCP500 , which is definitely regrettable .

  2. 新的《跟单信用证统一惯例》&UCP600已经问世,这次修订较之UCP500有大幅改动。

    The new UCP600 has been published , it has great modification compared with UCP500 .

  3. 备用信用证业已由《跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)》(1983年版,第400号出版物)来调整。

    Standby credits are already governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ( UCP )( 1983 Revision NO.400 ) .

  4. 尽管各国的法律制度存在差别,但跟单信用证统一惯例UCP500得到了国际银行界的广泛认可和应用,也受到了司法尊重。

    Although the legal system of different countries varies , UCP500 is generally accepted and applied by international banks , and respected by Judiciary .

  5. 2006年10月国际商会会议正式通过《跟单信用证统一惯例》UCP600,并从2007年7月1日起正式生效。

    In October 2006 , the meeting of International Chamber of Commerce formally adopted the Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credit UCP600 , and came into effect from July 1 , 2007 .

  6. 长期以来,世界许多国家将信用证作为一种重要的国际贸易支付方式,跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)明确了信用证相关当事人的权利、义务和责任,也被广泛接受适用。

    Many countries have used letter of credit as an important international methods of payments for a long time , and Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ( UCP ) defined the rights , obligations and responsibilities among credit-related parties which has been widely accepted to apply .

  7. 但国际商会2007年开始实施的《跟单信用证统一惯例》(下称《UCP600》)相比《UCP500》而言,并没有增加对信用证软条款的规定。

    But compared to the " UCP500 ", the " Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits " ( hereinafter referred to as " UCP600 ") taken effect by the International Chamber of Commerce in 2007 , not added the provisions for soft clause yet .

  8. 本文在2006年版《跟单信用证统一惯例》的框架下,探讨信用证软条款的相关法律问题。

    The paper discusses the legal issues of soft clauses on documentary credits under UCP600 .

  9. 跟单信用证统一惯例

    Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits

  10. 本信用证遵守国际商会第400号出版物公布的《跟单信用证统一惯例》(1983年修订)。

    This letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ( 1983 Revision ), International Chamber of Commerce , Publication No.400 .

  11. 此备用信用证受国际商会500号出版物,1993版本的“跟单信用证统一惯例”的约束,并且受新加坡相关法律的管辖和阐释。

    This standby letter of credit shall be subject to uniform customs and Practice for documentary credits , 1993 revision , ICC Publication No.500 and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of singapore .

  12. (跟单信用证)统一惯例与事物〔

    UCP [ Uniform Customs and Practice ( for Documentary Credit ) ]

  13. 跟单信用证及其《统一惯例》研究

    Study of Documentary Letter of Credit s and UCP500