
  1. 中文日报《21世纪经济报道》(21stCenturyBusinessHerald)援引多名期货交易员的说法称,他们已接到中国金融期货交易所(ChinaFinancialFuturesExchange)打来的电话,指示他们不要做空市场。

    The 21st Century Business Herald , a Chinese daily , quoted multiple futures traders as saying they had received phone calls from the China Financial Futures Exchange instructing them not to short the market .

  2. 七匹狼是一家在深圳上市的晋江公司,《21世纪经济报道》(21stcenturybusinessherald)曾援引该公司董事长周少雄的话称,他的公司先是模仿外国品牌,接着学会了如何自我创新。

    Zhou Shaoxiong , chairman of Septwolves , a Jinjiang company listed on the Shenzhen stockmarket , is quoted by the 21st Century Business Herald as saying that his company first imitated foreign brands , then learned how to innovate itself .

  3. 本文选取《21世纪经济报道》为样本,介绍其发展概况,通过市场营销学中的SWOT分析方法,总体分析了这份报纸的特色,并通过实际案例分析它的报道特色。

    This paper selects the 21st century business herald as sample , introduces the development situation , through the marketing of SWOT analysis method , this paper analyzes the characteristics , and through the analysis of actual case reports of it .

  4. 论平面财经媒体的品牌构建&以《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》、《中国经营报》三大财经报纸为例

    The Construction of the Brand of Printing Financial Media & A Case Study on Three Major Financial Newspapers

  5. 对于《21世纪经济报道》及其他媒体所刊载的相关文章,瑞银集团感到非常震惊。

    UBS AG was surprised by articles published in the21st Century China Business Herald and other media in China .

  6. 周二21世纪经济报道称,一些新铁路将在十三五规划期间(2016-2020)建成。

    Several new railways will be constructed during the 13th Five-Year Plan period ( 2016-2020 ) , the 21st Century Business Herald reported on Tuesday .

  7. 中国的一份报纸《21世纪经济报道》所做的分析按时,只有28%的贷款没能产生足够的现金流。

    An analysis by the 21stCentury Business Herald , a Chinese newspaper , suggests that only28 % of the loans have failed to generate much cashflow .

  8. 然而,《21世纪经济报道》今年3月曾报道,中国央行正在草拟允许网上开户的新规则。

    In March , however , 21st Century Business Herald reported that the Chinese central bank was drafting new rules that would allow for online-only account openings .

  9. 近年来,我国出现了一批以《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》、《财经时报》等为代表的综合财经类报纸。

    China witnesses series general business newspapers booming such as 21st Century Economic Report , Economic Observer , Business Times , which are representative in recent years .

  10. 21世纪经济报道,一些中资银行已开始考虑房地产政策的不确定性,可能包括一个有争议的物业税,而进行压力测试。

    Some Chinese banks have begun to consider uncertainties in property policies including a controversial possible property tax while conducting stress tests , the21st Century Business Herald reported .

  11. 《经济日报.人物版》和《21世纪经济报道》两家报纸对成功人士形象的再现出现偏差,主要表现在:将新富人阶层年龄年轻化,学历拔高,形象美化;

    The deviation has occurred in the Representation of the images of ' successful persons ' on the character page of Economic Daily and Economic Report in the 21st Century .

  12. 2月26日,中国报纸《21世纪经济报道》称,有关方面正进行压力测试,以评估人民币升值对劳动密集型产业收入水平的影响。

    On February 26 , the Chinese newspaper the 21st Century Business Herald reported stress tests being carried out to gauge the effects of a strengthened yuan on earnings in labour-intensive industries .

  13. 其中,《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》作为新型财经报纸的佼佼者,其在新闻理念、报道方式、运作模式上均有质的突破。

    As new financial newspapers , the 21st Century Business Herald and Economic Observer are both among the best , making qualitative break through in news concept , reports way and operation mode .

  14. 广州报纸《21世纪经济报道》的专栏评论称这一批评是精英主义的表现,剥夺了普通人看轻松电影找乐子的权利。

    An op-ed in the 21 Century Economic Report , a Guangzhou-based newspaper , called the criticism elitist and said it denied average people their right to the pleasures of a lighthearted movie .

  15. “银行董事会已经同意了员工持股计划”,《21世纪经济报道》援引中行副行长朱民在周二的说法。

    " The bank 's board of directors has approved the employee stock ownership plan ," the21st Century Business Herald quoted Zhu Min , assistant president of Bank of China , as saying Tuesday .

  16. 官方媒体根据上海警方的声明报道称,与《21世纪经济报道》同属21世纪报系的21世纪网的主编、副主编以及其他几个员工已被拘留。

    The chief editor and deputy editor of the 21st Century Business Herald website have been detained along with several other staff members , according to state media reports based on statements from Shanghai police .

  17. 此文发表之前,中国其它出版物也刊载了类似的评论和文章,如中国最大的财经报纸之一《21世纪经济报道》,以及自由派的《新世纪周刊》。

    The report followed similar commentary and articles published in publications including the 21st Century Business Herald , one of the largest financial newspapers in the country , and New Century Weekly , a liberal magazine .

  18. 笔者选取了三家主流财经报纸《中国经营报》、《经济观察报》和《21世纪经济报道》为样本,时间跨度为20082010年。

    The two issues are the core of this study was to address questions . I selected the three major financial newspaper - " China Business ", " The Economic Observer " and " 21st Century Business Herald " as a sample , the time span 2008-2010 .

  19. 根据21世纪经济报报道,重庆市、青海省计划成为接下来采取措施的两个地区,因为这两个地区已经就供给侧改革提出了类似的削减计划。

    Chongqing municipality and Qinghai province are planning to be the next two , reported the 21th Century Business Herald , as the regions have brought up such cuts on agenda as part of the supply-side reform .

  20. 跨越传统的《中国经营报》与21世纪后创办的《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》等牵手而成为新财经报纸的代表。

    China Business , spanning tradition and holding hands with 21st Century Business Herald and The Economic Observer , becomes the typical representative of new economic newspaper .