
  1. 从第三章到第六章依次讨论WTO体制下国际监督的各种程序,即透明程序、行政机构的一般审查程序、贸易政策审议机制和争端解决机制。这四章也是本文的核心内容。

    Chapter 3-6 discuss the international procedures under the WTO system in succession , which are transparency procedure , general review procedure ( GRP ) of administrative bodies , trade policy review mechanism ( TPRM ) and dispute settlement mechanism .

  2. WTO应管理本协定附件3规定的《贸易政策审议机制》(下称“TPRM”)。

    The WTO shall administer the Trade Policy Review Mechanism ( hereinafter referred to as the " TPRM ") provided for in Annex 3 to this Agreement .

  3. 利用WTO贸易政策审议机制对一缔约方国际收支平衡提前作出指导和评估。IMF加强自身改革,以适应全球贸易自由化的发展趋势。

    It is proposed to use WTO inspecting mechanism to direct and evaluate the promise of one party 's balance of international income and pay , to strengthen IMF reform to adapt the developing tendency of the global business freedom .

  4. 贸易政策审议机制(TPRM)与贸易谈判机制、争端解决机制一起,成为保障WTO顺利运行的三大机制。

    Trade Policy Review Mechanism ( TPRM ), Trade Negotiation Mechanism and Dispute Settlement Mechanism ( DSM ) are three mechanisms that ensure the smoother operation of WTO multilateral trading system .

  5. 第三部分是关于贸易政策审议机制的中国实践,简单介绍了中国自从加入WTO后进行的过渡性审议和全面审议,分析阐述了中国接受贸易政策审议的对策。

    Part 3 introduce the practice that china in face with the trade policy review . First introduce the transition review then the all-around review , and then raise some specific suggestions in the light of the countermeasures towards the challenge that china 's trade policy faced with .

  6. 它负责运作争端解决机制和贸易政策审议机制。

    It administers the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism .

  7. 贸易政策审议机制考察

    Study of Trade Policy Review Mechanism

  8. 另外,还在贸易政策审议和过渡性审议机制、政府采购、特殊贸易安排等方面分析了我国政府应尽的职责。

    Moreover , we also analyses the trade policy review mechanism , the transitional review mechanism , government procurement , special trade arrangement .