
  1. 在民商法层面,主要评论《国际融资租赁公约》和我国《合同法》融资租赁合同章等。

    Furthermore , it discusses the private law mainly on the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing and the Financial Leasing Contract ' chapter of China Contract Law , ect .

  2. 第二部分,考察国外融资租赁立法的实践并就《国际融资租赁公约》进行了特别的分析和研究。

    Explore the practice of foreign financial leasing legislation , particularly study " The Treaty on International Financial Leasing " , and summarize some aspects which affect financial leasing legislation ;

  3. 结合世界主要国家的立法优点以及《国际融资租赁公约》中的合理内容,针对中国的现行融资租赁立法保障所有权人的利益的实体和程序法方面提出了一点建议。

    Combine the rational content in the legislative advantage of the main country of the world and " international financing lease convention ", legislate to ensure the entities of the owner 's interests and procedure law to propose some suggestions to the current financing lease of China .