
  • 网络Abel;ABE;Abe Sapien
  1. 亚伯扔下那一卡车的枪,但他的手机记下了GPS坐标。

    Abel ditched the truck with the guns , but his phone kept a record of the GPS coordinates .

  2. 人类最早的故事——该隐(Cain)与亚伯(Abel)、雅各(Jacob)与以扫(Esau)——就告诉了我们这一点。

    That is the message of our earliest stories - Cain and Abel , Jacob and Esau .

  3. 他开始在亚伯达卡尔加里大学的实验室用发光二极管(LED)进行实验。

    He began experimenting with light-emitting diodes , LEDs , at his laboratory at the University of Calgary in Alberta .

  4. 让我们正视现实吧——如果“正直的亚伯”(对林肯的爱称)当真想要平等,那以马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKing)命名的假日也许便不复存在了。

    Let 's face it - if Honest Abe really wanted equality , Martin Luther King probably wouldn 't have a holiday named after him .

  5. Rocknroll,34岁,他从亚伯史密斯改名的。

    Rocknroll , 34 , who changed his name from Abel Smith .

  6. 来自德国的欧洲议会绿党议员扬•菲利普•亚伯雷希(JanPhilippAlbrecht)同意这点,他表示:“谷歌从这些错误中吸取了教训。”他曾经大张旗鼓地发起维护数字隐私的活动,而且一直公开批评谷歌。

    Jan Philipp Albrecht , a Green MEP from Germany who has campaigned vociferously on digital privacy and been a public critic of the company , agreed . " Google learned from these mistakes , " he said .

  7. 这一切都只在皇家亚伯厅展出。

    Now appearing only here at london 's royai Aibert hall .

  8. 亚伯他并不认为这些证词提出确凿证据。

    Abe suggested he did not consider such testimony conclusive evidence .

  9. 他把愤怒和怨气都转向他那公义的弟弟亚伯。

    His anger and resentment grew toward his righteous brother Abel .

  10. 亚伯,现在是新加坡共和国公民。

    Abel , now a Citizen of the Republic of Singapore .

  11. 我开始只想找亚伯的遗书。

    I started out trying to find Abel 's suicide note .

  12. 亚伯:你知道吗,小姑娘,管好你的嘴!

    Abel : you know what , watch your mouth little missy !

  13. 《圣经》里说亚当生了该隐和亚伯。

    In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and abel .

  14. 你只会靠擦亚伯屁股为生。

    You wipe LRV abel 's ass for a living .

  15. 亚伯是个牧人,该隐则是个耕田人。

    Abel was a shepherd and Cain a tiller of the soil .

  16. 人们说亚伯?林肯是从劈木头起家的。

    They say Albe Lincoln got his start splitting rails .

  17. 例如,该隐和亚伯[1],莱纳斯与露西[2],连恩与诺尔[3]。

    Cain and Abel , Linus and Lucy , Liam and Noel .

  18. 没错,但亚伯•米德勒为人正直。

    Yes , but Abel Mindler was an honest man .

  19. 《该隐与亚伯》的拍摄计划进行得怎样?

    What about the schedule of shooting Cain and Abel ?

  20. 亚伯逃跑时失足摔了下去。

    Abel had a nasty fall trying to escape them .

  21. 该隐和亚伯的现代诠释。

    In two , Cain and Abel modern interpretations .

  22. 因此那地方名叫亚伯麦西,是在约但河东。

    That is why that place near the Jordan is called Abel Mizraim .

  23. 又生了该隐的兄弟亚伯。

    Later she gave birth to his brother Abel .

  24. 你们是亚伯.林肯那边的人,还是杰夫.戴维斯那边的人?

    Are you Abe Lincoln 's folk , or Jeff Davis 's folk ?

  25. 上帝说:亚伯,你可以做你想做的,但是。

    God say , You can do what you want Abe , but .

  26. 他放进一次性手机里的手机卡是亚伯的。

    That sim card he put in the burner phone belongs to Abel .

  27. 亚伯:希望他们的病都得到妥善治疗吧。

    Able : I hope they 're getting good treatment for their conditions .

  28. 我想,我想跟你说说亚伯的事。

    I want to ... I want to talk to you about Abel .

  29. 你肯定这是明智的,亚伯?

    You sure this is wise , Abe ?

  30. 亚伯是该隐的正直的弟弟,他以上帝的教导从事。

    Abel the righteous younger brother of Cain , did things God 's way .