
  • 网络Amino acid score;Aas
  1. 紫花苜蓿芽及其产品必需氨基酸中苏氨酸的含量都最高,色氨酸是紫花苜蓿芽及其产品共同的第一限制性氨基酸,氨基酸评分分别是56.74%和98.58%。

    THR content is the highest among the essential amino acid , and TRP is the first restrictive amino acid in both the alfalfa bud and its product , the AAS are 56.74 % and 98.58 % respectively .

  2. 氨基酸评分不论是AAS还是CS,南湾鳙鱼均高于池养鳙鱼。

    Whether AAS or CS , the score of amino acid of South Bay bighead carp were higher than the control . 4 .

  3. 雌性生殖腺含水分最低(54.69%),含蛋白质最高(30.59%),氨基酸评分最高(93.58)。

    Female 's reproductive gland contains the lowest water ( 54 69 % ) and the highest protein ( 30 59 % ) .

  4. 沙光鱼的必需氨基酸评分和化学评分表明其第一限制性氨基酸为色氨酸。

    According to the nutritional evaluation on amino acid score ( AAS ) and chemical score ( CS ), the first limited amino acid was tryptophan .

  5. 氨基酸评分表明,赖氨酸和蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸的氨基酸评分平均值最低分别为47和70,因此赖氨酸和蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸分别为第1和第2限制性氨基酸;

    The average amino acid scores of Lys and Met are the lowest , 40 % and 70 respectively , indicating that Lys and Met are the first and second limiting amino acids , respectively .

  6. 氨基酸评分和氨基酸比值系数分分别为14.55和12.45,均居四种参试碳源的第二位。

    And that its amino acid score ( AAS ) and score of ratio coefficient of amino acid ( SRCAA ) were 14.55 and 12.45 resp , all held the second place in 4 carbon sources tested .

  7. 以花生和大豆为主要原料,以适当的配比平衡产品的营养价值,并提高产品中蛋白质的氨基酸评分;

    With peanut and soybean as main raw material , we can increase the grade point of the amino acids of the protein in the products and equilibrate the nourishment value of the products through adequate ratio of components .

  8. 为评价婴儿配方乳粉掺假成分&牛皮水解蛋白质对婴儿健康的潜在危险性,对牛皮水解蛋白质的氨基酸进行评分并分析了污染物指标。

    To evaluate the potential risk of cattle hide protein on infants health , its amino acid pattern and contamination indexes were analyzed .

  9. 以FAO/WHO的氨基酸模式及化学评分,评价了这些保健制剂的蛋白质营养价值。

    According to the ratios and patterns of amino acids recommended by FAO / WHO , the nutritive values of the proteins in the health-care foods were evaluated .

  10. 采用MJ和1-MCP处理可以使菜用大豆籽粒在贮藏期间保持较高的蛋白质、维生素和必需氨基酸含量,并且氨基酸评分也高于对照,而对粗脂肪含量无影响。

    1-MCP and MJ treatments maintained higher levels of protein , amino acid and Vc contents as well as higher value of amino acid score throughout the whole storage period , but had little effect on crude fat content .

  11. 结果表明:东山湾海水螺旋藻高蛋白,低脂肪,必需氨基酸模式接近于人体需要,氨基酸评分80分,维生素和矿物质极为丰富。

    The results showed that the seawater Spirulina is of high protein , low fat and calories . The essential amino acid ( EAA ) pattern approaches the need of human . Amino acid score ( AAS ) is eighty .

  12. 氨基酸的有效性对于蛋白消化率校正氨基酸评分的影响

    Impact of amino acid availability on the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score

  13. 氨基酸分析结果表明,第一限制氨基酸为色氨酸,氨基酸评分为92分,蛋白质营养价;

    The first limiting amino acid is Trp and the amino acid score is 92 ; The protein nutrient value is high . The Dasyatis akajei meat is rich in minerals .

  14. 结果表明,紫球藻蛋白质含量为32.1%,氨基酸含量为29.54%(色氨酸未测),赖氨酸为第1限制性氨基酸,氨基酸评分87;

    The results showed that the biomass contented 39.4 % carbohydrates , 21.7 % crude fibre ; 32.1 % protein , 29.54 % amino acids , the score of amino acid is 87 and the first limited amino acid is Lysine ;