
yì rǎn sè zhì
  • heterochromatin;metachromatin
  1. 由此我们可以确认,X、Y染色体的异染色质是同源的。

    So we concluded that the heterochromatin of X and Y was homologous .

  2. 它们与其他一些蛋白一起影响着DNA甲基化引起的转录抑制和(或)异染色质的形成。

    They associate with protein partners to play active roles in DNA methylation-mediated transcriptional repression and / or heterochromatin formation .

  3. 所有染色体都具有着丝粒C-带,异染色质总量为18.76±0.11%;

    The amount of heterochromatin is 18.76 ± 0.11 % ;

  4. p53主要位于细胞核异染色质上,胞浆中也有存在;

    P53 protein was observed not only in the nuclei associated with heterochromatin but also in the cytosol .

  5. 推测副缢痕附近异染色质的DNA重复序列可能是在进化过程中通过染色单体不均等交换而逐渐形成。

    It is presumed that the repeated DNA sequences of the heterochromatin near the secondary constriction might be formed gradually in the process of evolution through unequal SCEs .

  6. 模型组MG有较多突起,异染色质减少和松散,胞浆丰富,核糖体数量增加,并可见溶酶体颗粒。

    The model group microglial cell has many neurites , less heterochromatin and loose , rich cytoplasm , and the number of ribosomes increased , with visible lysosomal granules .

  7. 这些19&31nt的非编码RNA以序列特异性的方式使得mRNA降解、翻译抑制、异染色质形成和转座子控制,进而导致基因沉默。

    These 19-31 nt non-coding RNAs work in a sequence-specific manner to facilitate mRNA degradation , translational inhibition , heterochromatin formation and transposon control , thus leading to gene silencing .

  8. RDR在RNA沉默,异染色质形成和基因的调控方面发挥着重要的作用。

    The RNA-dependent RNA polymerases play a key role in RNA silencing , heterochromatin formation and natural gene regulation .

  9. 与对照组比较,AngⅡ组超微结构改变表现为:心肌细胞胞核及核仁增大,胞核形态不规则,异染色质丰富,线粒体肿胀,细胞质中糖原及脂质沉着。

    Ultrastructural changes consist of enlargement and varying shape of nuclei , enlarged mitochondria , abundant heterochromatin and accumulation of lipid droplets and glycogen .

  10. 用限制酶显带和CMA3/DA/DAPI荧光染色研究中国小型白兔染色体结构异染色质

    Study on the Constitutive Heterochromatin of Chinese Small-sized Domestic Rabbit by Restriction Endonuclease Treatment and CMA3 / DA / DAPI Staining

  11. 异染色质蛋白HP1α参与辐射损伤修复的研究

    Heterochromatic protein HP1 α is involved in repair of radiation damage

  12. 脑神经细胞在无节幼体Ⅵ期(N6)初步分化为2类:Ⅰ类神经细胞核着色浅,异染色质较少;

    Two kinds of nerve cells were differentiated at N_ ( 6 ) phase .

  13. B组亦罕见枕区皮质神经元的损伤,亦可见神经元细胞核小而圆,位于细胞中央,异染色质少,呈淡蓝色,中央有一清楚核仁:胞浆呈淡红色,突起少见。

    There was also rarely neuron injury in Group B , which nucleus of neuron was small and circular , and located in center of neuron , heterochromatin was rare and light blue , nucleolus located in nucleus clearly ; endochylema was salmon pink .

  14. 所有患者MTC核异染色质少于正常淋巴细胞,核仁范围在2-8μm之间;

    The heterochromatin of MTC was less than that of normal T cell and nucleolus diameter was from 2 to 8 μ m in all cases .

  15. 结论疑有染色体异常个体的9号染色体异染色质区的变异率高于正常人4.2倍(P0.01),这说明9号染色体异染色质区的变异可能参与一些染色体病的发生。

    Conclusion : The aberration rate of chromosome 9 heterochromatin is 4.2 times for persons suspected to have chromosome abnormalities higher than for normal individuals ( P0.01 ) . This study suggests that the aberration of chromosome 9 heterochromatin may contribute to chromosomal disease .

  16. 假手术组、电针组和尼莫通组大鼠海马CA3区细胞形态结构正常,常、异染色质分明;

    In sham , EA and nimotop groups , the modality configuration of cells in CA3 sector of the hippocampus was normal , and the normal and abnormal chromatin was obvious .

  17. 表现这种现象的染色体物质叫做异染色质。

    Chromosome material with exhibits of such behaviour is called heterochromatin .

  18. 甘蔗异染色质的研究研究了C。

    STUDY ON HETEROCHROMATIN IN SUGAR CANE Two commercial reactive dyes , C.

  19. 玉米花粉单倍体植株染色体上异染色质的变异

    Variation of Heterochromatin on the Chromosomes of the Maize Pollen Haploid Plants

  20. 结构异染色质较多地分布于这6对染色体。

    The structural heterochromatin exists mostly in the 6 pairs of chromosomes .

  21. 异染色质总量为15.94±0.26%;

    Thc amount of heterochromatin is 15 . 94 ± 0.26 % .

  22. 关于蚕豆M染色体异染色质区的研究

    Studies on the heterochromatic zone of m-chromosome in Vicia faba

  23. 染色体异染色质区变异特征及其遗传效应的研究

    Study on the Mutation in Chromosome Heterochromatic Region and its Genetic Effects

  24. Y染色体异染色质区缺失的男性不育

    The male sterility of deletions in Y heterochromatin region

  25. 人类Y染色体长臂异染色质区与鱼类基因组的比较分析

    Genomic comparative analysis between the human Y chromosome-specific heterochromatin region and fish genomes

  26. 异染色质大部分是由短而重复的多核苷酸序列所组成的。

    Heterochromatin has shown to be composed largely of short repeated polynucleotide sequences .

  27. 非组蛋白染色体蛋白质表现这种现象的染色体物质叫做异染色质。

    Nonhistone chromosomal proteins Chromosome material with exhibits of such behaviour is called heterochromatin .

  28. 在细胞周期中,异染色质会被进行动态的调节,以响应发育信号。

    Heterochromatin is dynamically regulated during the cell cycle and in response to developmental signals .

  29. 人的Y染色体异染色质与形态生理学变异

    Y Chromosome Heterochromatin and Human Morphophysiological Variability

  30. 甘蔗异染色质的研究

    Study on heterochromatin in sugar cane