
  • 网络Exclusive OR;xor;exor;EOR
  1. 基于异或门的组合逻辑化简CAD

    Function Minimization of Combinational Logic Cad Based on XOR Gate The Door

  2. 异或运算下(2,n)分存规模的极小值

    Minimum size of ( 2 , n ) data sharing scheme under XOR operation

  3. 基于异或的对称表在C语言中的实现

    The Implement in C Language of Symmetric List Based Upon Nor Operation

  4. 提出C语言实现简单动画的异或思路和具体方法。

    The xor thinking and specific methods of carrying out easy animation with C language are proposed .

  5. 基于SOA辅助的全光逻辑异或门性能研究

    Research on the Performance of All Optical XOR Gate based on SOA-Assisted

  6. 基于异或运算的份额可更新(2,n)门限秘密共享方案

    New ( 2 , n ) Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme with Share Refreshing Based on XOR Operations

  7. 介绍了一种基于FPGA的数据异或校验加速卡的设计方案。

    This paper introduces the design of data-XOR accelerated card based on FPGA .

  8. 基于FPGA的数据异或校验加速卡设计

    The Design of Data-XOR Accelerated Card Based on FPGA

  9. N(23,12)是一个异步的组合逻辑电路,能用12个大数逻辑门和77个异或门电路来实现。

    N ( 23,12 ) is an asynchronous combinational logic circuit which can be implemented with 12 majestic-logic gates and 77 exclusive-OR gates .

  10. 解密的过程就是需要得到与加密时相同的密钥,利用DES异或逆运算的性质得到解密图像。

    The decrypting operation is a reverse process of encryption .

  11. 基于异或运算的逻辑函数OC展开系数图与bj图的转换

    Transformation between OC expansion coefficients map and b_j map of logical function based on the Exclusive-OR operation

  12. 一种双线异或组成单元及其在VLSI电路设计中的应用

    A Basic Building Cell of Dual-Rail XOR Circuit and Its Application in VLSI Circuit Design

  13. 利用异或问题进行仿真实验,测试结果表明改进粒子群算法优化BP神经网络有效。

    Simulating the experiments by using XOR problem , the test results verify the correctness of the improved particle swarm optimization BP neural network .

  14. 本文讨论了基于异或运算的对称表及其一些基本运算,如查找、插入、删除等在C语言中的实现。

    In this paper we discuss the implement in C language of symmetric list based upon nor operation and some basic operation , such as locate , insert , delete .

  15. 因此,异或运算是RAID系统工作时频繁而且重要的操作之一。

    So the XOR operation is one of the most frequent and important operations for RAID systems .

  16. 讨论了逻辑函数在与-异或和或-符合代数系统中的RM展开式和CRM展开式。

    The RM and CRM expansions in Boolean AND - XOR and OR - COINCIDENCE algebraic system are discussed .

  17. 针对基于访问驱动的攻击,提出一种基于异或的地址映射重排技术,该技术通过打乱cache行与主存储块的映射关系使得攻击不再可行。

    Aiming at access-driven attacks , a XOR address remapping technique is proposed , which could obfuscate the mapping relationship between cache line and memory block .

  18. 提出将Logistic混沌序列与m序列以异或方式结合形成一类混合混沌序列的方法。

    A class of mixed chaotic sequence , which is produced by combining logistic sequence and m sequence in the form of exclusive-OR , is presented in this paper .

  19. 以这3种电路为基础设计了一个解决异或(XOR)问题的PWM型VLSI神经网络。

    These 3 circuits are used to design a PWM VLSI neural network to solve the exclusive or ( XOR ) problem .

  20. 分析了输入探测脉冲功率、SOA线宽增强因子α及驱动电流I对基于TOAD全光异或结果的影响。

    Analyze the input plus power , SOA line-width enhancement factor and driving current to the influence of all optical XOR based TODA .

  21. 与SOAMZI异或门相比,LOAMZI异或门输出信号的消光比较高,功率较低;

    The output signals of LOA-MZI have higher extinction ratio and lower power compared with SOA-MZI ;

  22. 先天性HH可以是单纯性的,异或是和其他表征关联在一起作为一个综合症的一部分。

    Congenital HH can be either isolated or associated with other phenotypic features as part of a syndrome .

  23. 在译码算法方面,在归一化最小和算法的基础上提出了一种改进译码算法。该算法在FPGA上实现时,只涉及加法、比较以及异或运算。

    In terms of decoding algorithm , an improved decoding algorithm based on the Normalized Min-Sum Algorithm is proposed , and it only involves addition , comparison and exclusive or operation for FPGA implementation .

  24. 介绍了目前几种基于SOA的逻辑异或门的实现方法,并以TOAD结构为实验方案,从理论上推导TOAD实现全光异或逻辑的条件。

    Introduce the methods of all optical XOR based SOA , and deduce the condition to realize all optical XOR using TOAD . 4 .

  25. SPN结构中线性变换和密钥加运算使用的都是异或运算。

    The linear transformation and the key plus operation of the SPN structure are only using the exclusive or operation .

  26. 文章介绍了C语言中常用的动画技术,其中包括重画技术、异或技术、调色板技术、拉屏技术以及程序实现的方法,并分析了各种方法的优点和缺点。

    The thesis introduces the usual technology to make cartoon , it includes the technicalities such as redraw , xor , palette , drag-screen , and the achievements by C language . It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of methods .

  27. 同时,伪随机数的生成速率可以通过配置偏置纠正模块的异或级数寄存器或者MD5模块的压缩比寄存器来实现。

    The generation rate of pseudo-random number can be regulated by configuring the XOR series register or the MD5 compression ratio register .

  28. 首先介绍了基于异或门的相位差测量方法和基于近似直线的相位差测量方法,然后介绍了两种基于DSP的测量方法。

    This paper discusses two measurement methods for the phase shift measurement , one is based on the exclusive-or gate , the other is based on the approximate straight-line ; then introduces two measurement methods based on DSP .

  29. 与传统的半导体光放大器(SOA)构成的马赫曾德尔干涉仪型异或门进行了比较,从器件结构上对两种异或门运算结果的差异给出了解释。

    The performance of the XOR result has been analyzed and compared with the semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA ) - MZI . The result differences of the two XOR gates are explained from the structural property .

  30. 本文提出了一种新型的PLA(R-PLA),它是由“与一异或”阵列组成的。

    This paper presents a new type of PLA ( R-PLA ) which is made up of AND-EXCLUSIVE-OR array .