
  1. 一些证券公司因关闭清算而退出历史舞台,一些证券公司重组完成后将不复存在。

    Some securities companies withdraw from the history after close and liquidation , some securities companies disappear after reformation .

  2. 公司清算是公司退出市场前,对公司财产进行清理,了结公司债权债务关系,消灭公司主体人格的程序。

    Before the company withdraws from market , it should clear up his property , discharge company 's credit and debt , stop the company 's main body personality .

  3. 公司非破产清算作为公司退出市场的必经途径,对于维护股东、债权人及其他利害关系人的利益具有重要作用。

    As a necessary means for the company to withdraw from the market , it plays an important role in protecting the interests of shareholders , creditors , and other parties involved .

  4. 破产是在债务人没有履行债务能力的情况下了结债权债务关系的一种方法。公司清算是公司退出市场前,对公司财产进行清理,了结公司债权债务关系,消灭公司主体人格的程序。

    The detailed specifications of bankruptcy trustee are different from this bankruptcy law to anther of various countries ; Before the company withdraws from market , it should clear up his property , discharge company 's credit and debt , stop the company 's main body personality .

  5. 我国私营企业的健康发展需要完善的法律制度。清算制度作为企业退出市场之前的重要制度,对私营企业来说是非常重要的。

    The perfect legal system is important to the development of our private enterprise , so is the liquidation system .