
  • 网络Loss suppression;loss reduction
  1. 真空包装适合鲜切芋头,降低贮藏中鲜切芋头的水分损失,抑制鲜切芋头褐变发生;

    Vacuum was satisfied to the requirement of fresh-cut taro package and benefit to reduce water loss and to inhibit browning .

  2. 覆盖耕作能有效避免翻耕过程中造成的土壤水分损失,抑制土壤水分蒸发,促进降水入渗,增加土壤储水量。特别是在玉米苗期,耕层保持了较高的土壤含水率;

    The main results included : 1 . Mulch tillage could maintain higher soil water content by avoiding soil water losses , especially in seedling stage .

  3. 这意味着要设法稳妥地清算一家复杂的全球金融机构,同时令其股东和债券持有人蒙受足够损失,以抑制鲁莽行为。

    That means finding a way to wind down a complex , global financial institution safely , while making its shareholders and bondholders suffer enough to discourage reckless behaviour .

  4. 该工艺直接对水解液进行脱盐可以缩短生产ACE抑制肽的工作步骤,减少蛋白质的损失且对ACE抑制率也较高,符合工业化生产的要求。

    The process desalinated directly to the hydrolyzation can shorten the production of ACE inhibitory peptide , and reduce the loss of protein and increase the ACE inhibition rate , in line with industrial production requirements .

  5. 化学驱油过程中表面活性剂损失的机理及抑制途径Ⅱ.抑制方法

    The mechanism and methods of controlling surfactant losses in chemical flooding processes : part & ⅱ . inhibiting methods