
sǔn yì biǎo
  • Income Statement;profit and loss statement
  1. 它为女性设立了开云基金(KeringFoundation),并且开始了非常公开的可持续性努力,在网站上发布环境“损益表”。

    It established the Kering Foundation for women , and embarked on a very public sustainability drive , posting an environmental " profit and loss statement " on its website .

  2. 收入表的其他名称有收益计算书、经营表、损益表。

    Alternative titles for the Income Statement include Earnings Statement , Statement of Operations , and Profit and Loss Statement .

  3. 损益表报告可以使用Excel中的加载项链接来创建。

    The income statement report is that can be built using the excel add-in link .

  4. 企业推行EVA管理系统并非是简单地在损益表中增加一个指标而已,这是一项必须经过长期努力才能完成的改革。

    It is a long-term reform for enterprises to pursue EVA management system , especially for listed companies .

  5. 这种会计方法使公司的损益表更好看,因为股票期权薪酬不会作为开支出现,因此这种会计惯例通常被认为是造成CEO激励性工资提高的一项关键因素。

    This accounting , which made companies ' income statements look better because the stock option compensation did not show up as an expense , is often cited as a key contributor to the rise in CEO incentive pay .

  6. 波斯基认为,在Behance,保持透明度是留住人才的方法之一,他所指的并不仅仅是让所有员工了解公司损益表的每一个细节。

    When Belsky discusses transparency at Behance as a tool to retain employees , he 's not just talking about sharing the details of the company 's income statement .

  7. 损益表债务法及其与资产负债表债务法的关系研究

    Income-statement Liability Method and its Relation to Balance-sheet Liability Method

  8. 一些公司编制反映标准成本差异的损益表。

    Some companies prepare an income statement for management that highlights standard cost variances .

  9. 包括你们公司的损益表和现金流量报表。

    Your income statement and cash flow statement .

  10. 该指标是利用损益表评价长期偿债能力的一个指标。

    This ratio is an indicator evaluating the long-term solvency with the income statement .

  11. 损益表和资产负债表之间是如何互相联系的?

    How do the income statement and the balance sheet relate to one another ?

  12. 支持报告包含所有分公司的损益表和资产负债表的情况。

    Supports the scenario of reporting income statements and balance sheets that include all subsidiaries .

  13. 我随身带来了我的最新的资产负债表和营业损益表的副本。

    I 've brought along the latest copies of my balance sheet and operating statements .

  14. 在确认财务报表项目时,资产负债表债务法与损益表债务法顺序完全相反。

    When confirming the project of financial sheet , two methods orders are just opposite .

  15. 对于资产负债表和损益表中的那些把戏,两位并没有接受过正式的培训。

    Neither had formal training in the black arts of balance sheets and income statements .

  16. 损益表揭示了一个特定时间的收益数据,通常在每个财务季度和财务年度末发布。

    The financial statements provide information about the financial position and operation of a company .

  17. 损益表是按照应计基础(权责发生制)的要求来列报收入、费用和净收益的。

    The income statement discloses revenues , expenses and net income on the accrual basis .

  18. 在利润表和损益表以及现金流量表上有良好的会计知识。

    Good accounting knowledge in terms of Profit and Loss Balance Sheet and Cash Flows composition .

  19. 损益表债务法注重时间性差异,资产负债表债务法注重暂时性差异。

    The former focuses on the temporary differences while the latter emphasizes on the timing differences .

  20. 理解如何根据损益表和资产负债表推出间接法现金流量表。

    Understand how to derive the indirect SCF from the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet .

  21. 账户结构允许您建立损益表和/或资产负债表报告。

    The account structures will allow you to build income statement and / or balance sheet reports .

  22. 损益表账户通常反映月份合计或年初至今的信息。

    The income statement account usually want to be reflect by their monthly total or by the year-to-date .

  23. 从来没有在财务损益表上面显示出来的最大一块费用就是会议成本。

    One of the largest expenses that never appear on the income statement is the cost of meetings .

  24. 损益表能够提供用于确定现金流入和流出的一些信息。

    The income statement can provide the information that will be used for determination of cash inflows or outflows .

  25. 现金流量表的编制与资产负债表和损益表是不同的。

    The preparation of the statement of cash flows is different from the balance sheet and the income statement .

  26. 现行财务分析主要是利用资产负债表和损益表对企业偿债能力和盈利能力进行分析。

    Balance sheet and income statement are used mainly in current financial analysis about business debt-paying and earning abilities .

  27. 因此损益表内的信息中需创建列标识符(即每月金额)。

    So you may have to create column identifier for the income statement period information ( i.e.Monthly amounts ) .

  28. 损益表根据收入与费用的表现形式,大致分为两种格式。

    Depending on how revenues and expenses are presented , there are roughly two formats of the income statement .

  29. 当然,我们可以在损益表中采用同样的方法分析盈利能力和盈利结构。

    Certainly , we can use the similar approach in the income statement to analyzing the profitability and profit structure .

  30. 损益表债务法和资产负债表债务法是所得税会计处理的两种方法。

    Balance sheet liability method and income statement liability method are two kinds of methods of income tax accounting disposal .