
sǔn hài péi chánɡ qǐnɡ qiú quán
  • right to claim damages
  1. 我国证券投资者损害赔偿请求权的法学理论研究尚处于初创阶段,对于一些艰涩的问题还没有较好的解决办法,而且在一些基本问题上也远远没有形成合适的看法。

    However , the research on the legal theories of stock investors ' right to claim damages has just begun , so many hard problems have not been solved , what 's more , even on some basic questions appropriate theories have not formed .

  2. 为了保护受害人的合法权益,应当赋予受害人对其配偶的损害赔偿请求权。

    In order to protect the legitimate interest of the victim , the law should endow the victim with the right to claim damages .

  3. 第三部分,著作权侵权损害赔偿请求权之基础理论。

    Exertion of Damages ' claim right for infringement of copyright .

  4. 论父母对不当出生者之损害赔偿请求权

    0n the Right of Parents ' Indemnity Claim for Wrongful Birth

  5. 论著作权侵权损害赔偿请求权

    A Study on Damages ' Claim Right for Infringement of Copyright

  6. 论精神损害赔偿请求权主体的认定

    Study on the Definition of Subject Asking for Compensation for Mental Damage

  7. 民事侵权损害赔偿请求权的几个问题探究

    Probing into Several Problem on the Right of Indemnity Claim of Civil Infringement

  8. 胎儿损害赔偿请求权初探

    On the Fetus ' Right of Compensation for Damage

  9. 海上运输货物损害赔偿请求权研究

    A Study on the Right of Compensation for Damage to Goods Carried by Sea

  10. 第四部分为胎儿损害赔偿请求权的确立和行使。笔者阐述了应该赋予胎儿损害赔偿请求权,并且认为胎儿损害赔偿请求权是建立在胎儿为民事主体的基础之上。

    The fourth part discusses the establishment and enforcement of right for fetus ' compensation for damage .

  11. 现行法确认了法人犯罪和法人侵权责任,因而也应当承认法人的非财产损害赔偿请求权。

    In the5th article , it has denied the right of non-pecuniary loss compensation of legal person .

  12. 离婚损害赔偿请求权为一种实体权利,既适用于诉讼离婚,也应当适用于登记离婚。

    The claim right of divorce injury is a substantive right suitable for litigation divorce and registry divorce .

  13. 因而,从理论上来说,对公司利益的侵害,必然同时又是对股东权的侵害,股东基于股东权被侵害的事实而享有对加害者的损害赔偿请求权。

    Therefore , theoretically , infringing the interests of the company will inevitably infringe the right of shareholders .

  14. 投资者损害赔偿请求权的阙如,一定程度上加剧了不当行为膨胀的空间,泛滥的不当行为在很大程度上也影响到了投资者的投资信心。

    To some extent , it has encouraged the wrongful act and discouraged the investors ' confidence on investing .

  15. 且应借鉴英美法的规定,直接赋予债权人损害赔偿请求权。

    And we should learn from the common law system to give the creditor the right to ask for compensation directly .

  16. 而对于公司归入权和损害赔偿请求权的竞合问题,我国立法可采重叠模式。

    For the problem of concurrence between disgorgement and the right of claiming for damages , our legislation should adopted overlap mode .

  17. 损害赔偿请求权的放弃与保险人的代位求偿权&以日本法的判例分析为中心

    The Abandon of the Right to Claim for Damages Compensation and the Insurer 's Subrogation Right & Concentrating on Japanese Case Analysis

  18. 损害赔偿请求权的本质即在一定意义上来说是对公司法律人格和有限责任的一定限制。

    In another word , the essence of the claim for damage compensation is the limitation of legal personality and limited liability .

  19. 关于工伤保险赔偿请求权与普通人身损害赔偿请求权之相互关系,存在四种模式。

    There are four kinds of modes about the relation between claiming right to work injury insurance and general right to personal injury damage .

  20. 如果赋予胎儿损害赔偿请求权,则与我国《民法通则》相抵触。

    If the fetus are given the right to claim damage , it will lead to the confliction with General Principles of Civil Law .

  21. 民事行为无效产生返还财产、给付不当得利和损害赔偿请求权的法律后果。

    Invalidity of civil behavior is accompanied by returning the property , paying the unjustified enrichment and the right of requesting for compensation for damage .

  22. 另外,英美判例法中排除了已出生子女对父母的精神损害赔偿请求权。

    In addition , the exclusion of British and American case law has been the spirit of children born to parents the right to damages .

  23. 其与损害赔偿请求权竞合时,应优先得到满足。

    When the direct claims of compulsory traffic accident liability insurance is competing with right of claim for damage compensation , it should be fulfilled firstly .

  24. 故本文从受害人是否必须具有权利能力以及感知能力两个方面出发,深入探讨了精神损害赔偿请求权主体所必须具备的条件。

    In this way the author thoroughly discusses whether the subject asking for compensation for mental damages must have the capacity for rights and consciousness ability .

  25. 消费者得于言词辩论终结前,终止让与损害赔偿请求权,并通知法院。

    Consumers may revoke such assignment of the rights of claims before the close of oral arguments , in which case they shall notify the court .

  26. 主要内容包括排除妨害请求权、停止妨害请求权和人身损害赔偿请求权。

    It mainly includes the claim for the removal of obstacles , the claim for the cessation of obstacles and the claim for the damages to bodily injury .

  27. 该部分是重点,目前多个国家规定,侵害他人生命权的,受害人的近亲属有损害赔偿请求权。

    That part of the focus of many countries now provides the right to life against others , near relatives of the victims have the right to claim damages .

  28. 为了纯化社会风气,保护无过错配偶方的合法权益,法律必须授予其损害赔偿请求权。

    To purify social atmosphere and protect the lawful interest of the no-fault party , the law must entitle her / him the right of claim for damage compensation .

  29. 第二种是指所有权的客体,它既包括有形财产,如不动产、动产,又包括无形财产,如专利权、损害赔偿请求权。

    The second meaning is object of ownership including both material property such as estate and chattel and intangible property such as patent and claim of compensating for damage .

  30. 另一方面,管理人享有三项权利:必要或有益费用偿还请求权、必要或有益债务偿还请求权、损害赔偿请求权。

    On the other hand , managers have three rights : claim on necessary or useful fees , claim on necessary or useful debt and claim on damage compensations .